They've become more popular as of late, the concept of a centaur has been generally repurposed in the modern age as 'taur' and just applies to virtually any creature which is half bipedal, half quadruped, and so on. Sometimes you'll find characters with even more legs like centipedes, too!
Well, it does fall into one quibble I have in that taurs are often drawn with big lower halves and small upper halves. Some folks prefer them that way, but I prefer them proportional.
Ooh, the centaur body type applied to smaller mammals is INTERESTING...
Lots of potential to have your human gesture and tool use cake, while still feasting on the fun scamper and galloping quadrupedal movement archetypes.
*shakes a few out of his hat*
That said, have more bunny:
Sadly they have a lot of self-doubt, feeling that they're not good enough and everyone will find out.
They suffer from im-poss-taur syndrome.
Lots of potential to have your human gesture and tool use cake, while still feasting on the fun scamper and galloping quadrupedal movement archetypes.