MSM’s salivating over having four years of this chaotic BS—exactly why they pushed Shitler’s candidacy. They’ll whine about Shitler’s inept, controversial madness publicly, but toast it privately bc it gets clicks, good ratings&drives good profits. Never at a loss for “Breaking News!” Shame on them.
Shameless people!!
This is about money.
And the shit show means more clicks likes and shares to their bs websites. More $$$
Most are done
I only watch my local news now. Screw the MSM.
They helped get us into this mess.
Notice *TRUTH* didn’t play ANY fucking part in the equation.
I actually quit watching cable news because I was so sick of Trump Trump Trump 24/7. I know I’m not alone.
They love attention as much as Trump and Musk (Trusk)? Starve them all.
Fuck those attention whores.
MSM is dead to me...