Well, it’s a mystery. He’s an highly educated man. You wouldn’t know it. When he speaks it says something else. I think there should be term limits in Congress. Too many members still living in the 50’s era. He’s one of them. I’m not from Louisiana I just had to add my two cents.
Yeah, his accent is literally fake, a populist ploy. He gradusted from Vanderbilt U & UV law & attended Oxford. He's a sneaky, venomous snake in the grass.
Louisiana is a backwoods state with a lot of poor and uneducated. A state where it's not uncommon to marry your cousins. Many of them talk and sound just like Kennedy, so he fits right in.
When he started talking, it was showing him on a little thumbnail video so I couldn’t really see him, I was like “Who is this doofus?” Then his name popped up and I was like, “Aaaahhh, now it makes sense.” 🥴
It’s crazy. Like in FL, when we keep getting Scott who should have landed in prison instead of the governorship & Senate; Kentucky who got stuck on McConnell & Paul, neither worth 2 cents in governing for voters.
I'd like someone to explain to me why my tax dollars are paying for idiots in LA to keep reflecting asshole bigots like Kennedy...I really want CA to become its own country
Simple hes a Republican and hes a liar. When he was a Democrat he was rejected multiple times, so he switched parties acquired a phony Southern drawl, and became a bigot! And boom, Senator for life!
Foolin the fools Kenny… foolin the fools. That and was he unopposed? How many aren’t registered to vote and or sit home? White supremacy, apathy, on & on.
Well, think we all can now realize why LA is in the cellar for health and education. Sen. Kennedy was so hung over, kept rubbing his face to stay awake, shirt all wrinkled, gulping something two handed from a red Solo cup. Their governor was a close 2nd. It was a SNL skit.
I’m from Louisiana (did not vote for him) and today my brother were debating who was more cringy - Kennedy or Landry. It’s appalling, especially to those of us who are educated and informed.
Kennedy is a Vandy law grad and did his post-grad work at Oxford in England. His entire deal is an act. The accent is fake, the “country boy” image is fake. He is just playing to his base to keep getting re-elected. He makes damn sure they can’t get educated and get rid of him. Dems kicked him out.
You said 2 profoundly important words - uneducated and uninformed… plus apathy and imo laziness of the decent folk side against super hyper red asshl voters who show up
Yeah, apathy I’m sure. A lot of people I know feel like it’s hopeless here because LA will “always go red” no matter how many of us show up. Have to stay active and engaged for anything to change. It’s a widespread problem.
Too many good Christians in Louisiana (& here there and everywhere)esp white ones do some true mental gymnastics to rationalize their voting habits is what I see. My whole fam is evangelical, ALWAYS preaching to me & EVERYONE they run into and talk to about Jesus ( you know how we do back home)
American voters are well conditioned to respond to expensive ads. Since corporations are people and billionaires are allowed to exist we will always have a majority of the political elite who are little more than well funded puppets for capital to use mostly against the same people who voted for 'em
Does he chew tobacco or gum? He alway look if he’s chewing something. He should be on a bench in the town square carving little wooden figures. Believe it or not he’s highly intelligent.
For some reason, once they are elected, it’s almost impossible to get rid of them. This also includes Democrats. Name recognition and campaign cash gives them an edge. That’s why I’ve always been a supporter of term limits. No one should make a career out of being a Congressperson.
At some point, he became an arrogant idiot, and he’s definitely been an arrogant idiot since Maga. Maybe that woke the sleeping Idiocracy
🙏🏻for💙 in Louisiana
Speaker Mike Johnson
Governor Landry
Sen Kennedy
No need to say more