Do you (or did you) sing Phish songs to your kids at bedtime? If so, which ones?
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Karl Pawlewicz
Hey - would love to see a poll of phish fans: what song(s) do you sing your kids at bedtime? My son likes Driver, Contact, and Bouncin. #phish
Now, at 23, she hates Phish with the fury of 100 suns. My fault.
Radio City Ghost:
10/29/94 Buffalo Bill -> Makisupa Policeman
I can still pinpoint the moments where he'd zonk off, allowing me to put him down.
If I Could
Silent In The Morning
If she was wide awake I would recite all of Gamehenge
It’s like they were hypnotized to sleep, every time.
I actually created a bedtime story based on the connections made on 12/31/23.
Esther survives and runs to tell Jimmy about the Armenian man. It’s a whole thing.
Mango song
The peak was when my 5 year old son would fall asleep while singing along to every word…it’s actually quite lovely slowed down and sung a capella in a hushed whisper in the dark.
Honestly surprised no one else mentioned it. The repetition of “softly sing sweet songs” just seems like it’d hit the spot.
1. Angel from Montgomery by John Prine
2. Alright for Now by Tom Petty
3. Dirt by Phish
(Plus the standards of itsy bitsy spider, twinkle twinkle, you are my sunshine, etc)