If you revoke criminals right to vote, you give governments incentive to further criminalize marginalised groups who wouldn't vote for them. By proxy, you're enabling racist, transphobic and ableist laws to thrive because what better way to stifle the electorate than to label them as outside the law
If someone has committed a crime, for instance fraud, should they have a right to a place on the ballot?
Really can’t separate exclusionary zoning from it’s racial segregation by law genesis or creation of a white home-owing middle class w/ fed mortgages, building highways through neighborhoods…
Cops HATE the decriminalization of marijuana because it was so easy to destroy a black teenager's life for getting caught with a nickel bag.
Conversely, Tim Allen got busted with a shitload of coke years ago, but now he's another rich bitter white celebrity complaining about 'wokeness'.
His co-defendants spent much, much more time inside while he got to tour doing hacky stand-up
It's Allen's hypocrisy that rubs me the wrong way.
Don't spew right-wing talking points about "law and order" when his undeserved status as a white male in America kept his drug dealing ass out of jail.