If you add this labeller: @pronouns.adorable.mom
You will see little pronoun tags above people's posts if they are also subscribed. No more accidental slip ups!
You can then set your pronouns, or set it to "check profile" (I don't see the value in that personally but to each xir own)
You will see little pronoun tags above people's posts if they are also subscribed. No more accidental slip ups!
You can then set your pronouns, or set it to "check profile" (I don't see the value in that personally but to each xir own)
The labels don't appear qwq
[looks behind]
“Check profile” is good for those of us who don’t have pronouns listed by the labeler or for plural folks or some genderfluid folks who shift pronouns & don’t want to have to constantly mess with the labeler.
Glad there’s options to include us. ❤️
They will go out of their way to use they/them(which is pretty annoying for those of us who use those pronouns),
It's become difficult where it used to be simple, which you can blame the transphobes for.