The number of staff earning over £100,000 at Newcastle University has almost tripled over over seven years... the institution signs off £30m in cuts, including a £20m reduction in its salary budget, equating to 5% in total, or 300 full-time equivalent positions. the institution signs off £30m in cuts, including a £20m reduction in its salary budget, equating to 5% in total, or 300 full-time equivalent positions.
1 person on £110k.
2 on £90k
10 on £50k
50 on £40k
10 on 30k.
Give everyone an an extra £10k, benefitting those at the bottom most, and the headline is still "number of people on £100k+ trebles!"
1) Anyone earning ~£75K at the start of the period, and getting 5% a year would be >100K now.
2) In those 7 years, medical and clinical wages have risen more than 5%...
3)...and the need for more commercial management has risen as HE markets get tougher and finances also
So the idea that these redundancies are happening because if fat cat salaries at the top is... BS
Only government can insert an acceptable ratio of top & bottom. That or a revolution 🤔