We need reporters with subject matter expertise to report these stories in the first wave of coverage, not just to write "Trump does XXX" stories fitting the stated narrative on day one and only go back later to clarify in coverage no one sees
Reposted from
Brendan Nyhan
Important to realize scope of what's happening and how different it is from headlines:
-Not just getting rid of post-2020 DEI practices, setting up an attack on post-1965 civil rights law and practices
-Not just cracking down on illegal immigration, expelling legal immigrants and blocking refugees
-Not just getting rid of post-2020 DEI practices, setting up an attack on post-1965 civil rights law and practices
-Not just cracking down on illegal immigration, expelling legal immigrants and blocking refugees
(see https://snyder.substack.com/p/shadow-cab...)
FTFY: “We need fewer reporters and more journalists.”