NYT's The Morning newsletter with the clearest explanation of the crisis we now face - expert ratings of US democracy in our Bright Line Watch survey have already plummeted to levels not seen during Trump's first term
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While the job of the courts and congress must proceed it's time to think of it as stopping a mostly completed silent coup.
They did it twice.
They said “you can defy congress in whatever way you want. Go for it. We won’t ever try to stop you.”
Werner Twertzog
The apricothellbeast was a trashy reality tv event from 2004 and on. The hype around him was very much 'Bread and Circus'.
I often feel that it is like Gibbons 18th book The History of the Decline and Fall 1/2
I live in Denmark, Europe.
I live here in the US and I remember before times.
The paper consistently reported Trump’s lawlessness—it never published PROPAGANDA, which you seem to image is an obligation.
Are you telling me you don’t know the difference between propaganda and reportage…
📌 Daily Kos publishes blog posts, polls, election and campaign fundraising data, and is considered an example of ‘netroots’ activism. It is NOT journalism.
Also your screen name is cool
For the nyt, trump = $$$
It's probably the only true bulwark that the U.S. has.
That question mark had my blood boiling before my first sip of coffee.