What competitive authoritarianism looks like: "Back-channel efforts to persuade major law firms to sign public statements criticizing Trump’s actions thus far have foundered, in part because of retaliation fears" https://www.wsj.com/us-news/law/fear-of-trump-has-elite-law-firms-in-retreat-6f251dec?st=o9PpUC&reflink=mobilewebshare_permalink
Every day Trump faces less opposition b/c of these threats
Every day Trump faces less opposition b/c of these threats
You know, lawyers who refuse to stand up for the Law, refuse to support doing what is right versus what is easy, and who expect to thrive even after this short-lived foray into authoritarianism fails.
Previously it was giant media corporations. AP was punished for continuing to tell the truth about the Gulf of Mexico. Did the rest refuse to cover Donald (knowing he'd have caved in hours, because of his need for attention)? Nope.
He does it because it works
The authoritarianism we are seeing in America today is anything but competitive nor competent - and, that is some hope!
If even a few of these big firms stood together, the critical mass would not take long to form and it would be powerful. They could make the rule of law matter. F’ing cowards.
42 USC §12203
Never fully realized how disturbingly weak, ignorant, complacent, and feeble so many Americans are. They just bend over and take it.
Those corporations - like Boeing, Amazon, Fakebook, agribusiness, and all the other behemoths - want their corporate welfare to hand out to their stockholders.
The rest of us can 'get drilled'.