Has America ever made you hate being black? Honest question
No engagement farming. I’m venting.
No engagement farming. I’m venting.
The world tries to tear us down every chance it gets...but don't let it. Keep fighting.
I love my people, our origins, and our future.
my mother's dark skinned & we were treated poorly w/her. we were lighter and treated different.
we've a ton of colorism in my family. from ones who pass, to ones sitting in a closet to be lighter. it was more about hate of dark skin, than being black.
Not for a second.
I’m realizing that history is such a weak spot for me.
Also, be mindful of *how* you learn history. Bc there’s all the bullshít but there’s also the brilliance. We are amazing people. Always have been and always will be.
I would also read Black fantasy in the form of comic book or novels like the Binti series, the Legendborn series, Black Buck, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur.
I didn't have my racial awakening until I was 25 which revolutionized my life
I was one of 3 black kids at my school & none of us talked to one another. I felt very alone and like a sore thumb often.
Talked about ONE experience that FELT race based earlier this week.
just validates we got aura and a lot of ppl on this planet can’t stomach it
It's made me understand that life would be a lot easier for me if I were white, but that is society's shame. Not mine.
Thank goodness for the ones that aren't bc you can't stay sane walking around w/that much hate on your heart, towards ppl you see every single day all over the place
You're upset because you're worried about them people. Them people aren't our business.
Second time in my life I hated being Black bc I felt like it was never going to end. Had to rewire lenses when that happened
I realized they hate what they want to be because they can't claim it aloud.
I do HATE what my Blackness does to other people… but that’s a THEY problem.
And follow each other 🫶🏿
*like, only since the election
buttttt idk if it’s hate as much as it is fear.. if that makes sense
I don't think hate can come because as a black person, we don't operate like that. That is one thing I truly love about us.
I actually remember that period of my life vividly, it made me fall in love with being Black for the first time. That's when I...woke up...so to speak lol
Honestly I don’t even mind the racists too much bc why does my existence trigger you so much?
The mere thought of me living somewhere, someplace has you fucking up ur own life out of spite is hella crazy.
since it seems its all been said I'll sum up my thoughts in a quote:
"I'll never peace it up, that shit don't sit well with me
Before I take a truce, I'll take 'em to Hell with me"