Im so far behind on this show but what I have watched which is all of seasons 1 and 2 are some of my favorite television. Never forget Jackie Daytona Human Bartender.
Such a refreshing and delightful show! I’m sad about it coming to an end but genuinely surprised that studio kept it going for this long, especially with the rate they’ve been shelving shows.
My wife insists that we finish some things (unspecified which things, so not sure how deep I'm in on that promise) before we start on this so I expect the full season will be available before I get to it. I love this show though so I will be pushing my agenda after dinner
I should prolly watch that shit for real. I can’t remeber which one it was the movie or the series, but I tried it once, and maybe I just wasn’t in the mood for that type of stuff, but I just couldn’t get into it.
lol totally caught me off guard in the end. I was so with the rest of the crew with how they thought Nandor went a bit loco because of the mannequin army. lol
I been ranting and whining at anyone who will listen about comedy’s slow death but that show gives me hope and laughs in a time when Roseanne is putting on lame political rallies in drag.
It was such an excellent example of how men will do anything (including start a war) rather than deal with their hurt feelings, I love this show so much
Thank you.
And happy to follow you here on my 3rd or so day here.
Hard to find others that watch
Missing something???
Rather watch Miss Sloan for the 100th time.
Sorry, I just don't see appeal.
New subject- did you use an app to delete your tweets and if so, which one?
“No, I’m just a really good general.”
C: Razor.
N: Not a knife.
C: He's thinking razor.
N: What are those things called again? A Sharpie?
Casting Steve Coogan as Laszlo's ghost-dad was inspired and yet even better than I would've hoped.
"How will this fix Nandor's problem?"
"Nandor's what now?"