I’m kind of wowed by some of the replies here. So in the midst of OSU’s 9 year winning streak, if they had tried to plant a Block O flag at midfield in Michigan Stadium you all would have been cool with that. BS. That move was done for one reason, and that was to cause exactly what happened.
“This game is a war. Anytime there’s a war, there’s consequences and casualties. Then, there’s the plunder and the rewards that come with it.” Ryan Day
I missed the drama after the game! What happened? Walked into the kitchen for a minute, came back to see players miserable on the sidelines after getting sprayed.
U of M graceless winners. Nothing would have happened without that flag. Players were headed to sing the alma mater when the U of M players did not head to their locker room.
I thought the first time with the flag was fine. The second try? Poor decision on the Michigan player.
How the announcers handled it all was by far the worst.
If this happened in pretty much any other context, anybody who threw an unprovoked punch would be arrested. Why do we have laws for some people but not others?
Michigan won the game and decided to plant their flag, to the victor goes the spoils. Maybe if the Buckeyes showed as much fight during the game, they might have won. The biggest loser is Ryan Day, he just stood by and watched the brawl like a coward.
"Out of an abundance of caution, officers tear-gassed the quarter-finals of this year's Tri-County Scholastic Quiz Bowl, fearing that participants would pivot from reciting the atomic weight of Molybdenum to firebombing the local Walmart."
Walking through THEIR players, AFTER an altercation, waving the flag? I'd cut a player who DIDN'T go after that dude.
But whoever that was who went through the OSU players with the flag was playing the ultimate game of fuck around and find out.
Lost control
It’s not the first time, but sure let’s go with the “victimization” crybaby theory 🤦🏻♀️
The testosterone runs rampant.
How the announcers handled it all was by far the worst.
There is even video.
Good job officer... /s
"Out of an abundance of caution, officers tear-gassed the quarter-finals of this year's Tri-County Scholastic Quiz Bowl, fearing that participants would pivot from reciting the atomic weight of Molybdenum to firebombing the local Walmart."
We know that’s how maga deals with their frustrations.