God I love this album. I’m pretty sure the first track, “1980,” was written for the 1980 Olympics for NBC, which the USA withdrew from because it was held in Moscow and the USSR had just invaded Afganistan. It’s a pity, it is a beautiful anthem.
This reminded me of the whole hilarious thing where the My Dad Wrote a Porno crew thought they'd discovered some small artist and encouraged listeners to boost him on the charts sortof as a joke, and then realized he was a successful artist and were appropriately sheepish 😄
This is just a bonus to following you. Love your political takes, your Simpsons references, Kids In The Hall, etc, but you often post songs that I have forgotten and can love all over again.
VH-1 launched in 1985, so wouldn't be a factor in "Rise's" um… rise. But the channel did play the hell out of mid 80's Alpert (Route 101, Keep Your Eye on Me, etc).
If you watched any SNL.