Dems should be tough on *white collar crime* specifically
Reposted from
Tyler Boschert
I turn 35 this year and "Democrats should talk tough on crime and the border" is maybe literally the single oldest piece of political messaging advice I can remember (except perhaps "it's the economy, stupid")
notably, I don't think it has ever once worked
notably, I don't think it has ever once worked
One related windmill I've been tilting at for years now is that we should introduce certain fines as a % of income, as they do across parts of Europe, so that we no longer have fines for laws that you can functionally ignore if you're wealthy
It's a policy that I really do think could become popular if more people were aware of it! EVERYONE hates rich assholes getting away with shit!
*fraud and scams
**Elon Musk and Donald Trump.
but I also kind of wonder if we could coopt at least some border rhetoric by talking about shell corps etc. as "illegal money crossing the border"
if the people demand that someone be Punished and that Rules Be Set, the paladins have their monsters: rich people who flout rules about money that ordinary people don't even have a chance to consider flouting
and while we're at it, fund a couple of Hollywood copaganda films about IRS fraud investigators being heroic (maybe a Everything Everywhere All at Once spinoff about the IRS auditor going up against fat cats?)
It's bleak out there for money cops.
The necessary little history nugget.
what a frank sentence from a frank about a frank
I am going to add Money Cops to the list, they're just so rare in my ecology that I never encounter them.
It's REALLY good and actually informative. Also the tax battles are depicted as anime fights.
1. The failure to respond at the political/regulatory/criminal level to telephone spam.
2. Blending into that, the failure to respond at the political/regulatory/criminal level to scams.
In a functioning political system, these are EASY wins, in a sense.
It worked really well for Clinton and the Dems in general in the ‘90s at the low cost of entrenching a bunch of horrible, racist, authoritarian policies
Figuring out how to appeal to (or at least not alienate) voters motivated by those sentiments is sort of important as a political matter
Like all that lawfare shit