First I’d like to share’s work! The art in the Invader Zim comics were HUGELY influential to how I draw now, and I don’t think I’d have my current coloring workflow without studying his pages.
Not to get too sappy, but this really means a lot, Keely! As you know in comics, we do a lot of work and hardly hear from the folks reading them/liking them. So, thanks!
The whole ZIM team was one of the best in comics, this I believe.
Of course, happy to share!! I remember hanging out with my friends in a comic shop, seeing your name on a Rick&Morty book & saying “hey look, it’s Fred Stresing, he’s great!” so I apologize for only complimenting you behind your back before now😂 ZIM comics are always one of my fav sources of inspo!
Next is! I would not have gone into digital art if I hadn’t found Ghosts of the Future in my middle school days, and Evan’s original coloring tutorial was fundamental to me understanding digital art.
The whole ZIM team was one of the best in comics, this I believe.