There's nothing anyone can do to mitigate climate change. Absolutely everything about modernity is only possible because of hydrocarbon abundance. We need to focus on adaptation.
Trump will need high oil prices if he wants to see expansion in the US. And he won't get them. the PE companies who fund US Hydrocarbons don't want boom and bust. OPEC is increasing production anyway, has massive spare capacity, China and parts of Asia shifting to EVs, oil has or will peak
Where Trump will cause damage is on the demand side. Preventing investment in EVs, infrastructure for the energy transition. Banning OSW. That's not good of course.
Under Biden the US became the largest oil and gas producer in history but he couldn't have done that without Putin and MBS
David said "America's emissions are falling" yes under Biden but why would he think we'd believe him whw Trump has called climate change a hoax and that the US is replete with liquid gold aka oil, not gas. Does David realise how unsophisticated that sounds?
Wtf are we going to do about it? Seems we are allowing a few billionaires to wreck the environment for the rest of us cheered on by the uneducated of the world. Maybe the planet will be better off without us.
Trump didn’t cause the climate crisis but post Citizens United (from 2010 onwards) Mitch McConnell traded dark fossil fuel money for the GOP in exchange for the GOP stopping all bipartisan climate action in the US House & Senate. From now on it’s “drill baby drill” until the end of life on earth.
It probably is mostly reservable, just not by us currently. Physics doesn't appear to have a "No User Serviceable Parts" sticker.
The indisputable part is that it's a lot cheaper and practical to stop screwing up the climate, than to de-screw the climate.
Under Biden the US became the largest oil and gas producer in history but he couldn't have done that without Putin and MBS
It probably is mostly reservable, just not by us currently. Physics doesn't appear to have a "No User Serviceable Parts" sticker.
The indisputable part is that it's a lot cheaper and practical to stop screwing up the climate, than to de-screw the climate.