It should be obvious by now that Netanyahu won't stop until every Palestinian in #Gaza (and perhaps the West Bank) has been murdered, maimed or expelled. He wants it all. Governments like ours should cut off all military equipment, diplomatic support and other relations until the genocide ends.
We have, through the slow accumulation of British assets been brought to heel.
Britain, the crippled Bulldog.
I think the best we can do, as in many other issues today, is to make our voices sufficiently loud that future generations can't simply dismiss the perpetrators as 'products of their time'.
This is why western governments protect Israel at all costs and those costs are innocent Palestinians, especially the children
Shooting at Syrian civilians, destroying their homes, cutting off water supplies
More violations of international law
Failing to do so was (& remains) tacit approval of genocide & makes us as guilty as the perpetrators
Labour - killing the disabled at home & kids in Gaza
But enabling governments like ours haven't seen it - or is it truely blinding denial? - and now we've effectively played a 3rd party part in the war crimes and ongoing genocide. Otherwise, I can't understand why we're not doing as you suggest.
Senator AIPAC (Schumer), for starters.
ruzzian eh?
Anyone who enters another mans house to rob and kill will meet resistance.
Even a londoner in Scotland, if attacked, would do the same.
But would YOU help your neighbours? That is the big question, or would you hide and hope not to be noticed?
This is your great character flaw. You need to listen to constructive criticism and respond with just a little more critical thinking skill
We can all do without “Russia isn’t half as bad”. You only think they aren’t because the media don’t report on Russia’s activity in quite the same way.
Not going to happen this side of wholesale democratic reform.,%2C%20Bangladesh%2C%20Brunei%2C%20Indonesia%2C,to%20the%20Israel%2DPalestine%20dispute.
In their haste to be rid of the Tories, the English voted for their own demise.
It's past time that Scotland left the Westminster cesspit behind.
#SaorAlba #IndyClan #Salvo #LiberationScotland
Maybe they are too removed from reality in the Westminster bubble. Or maybe they support it?
It's disgusting but they're keeping them sweet by enabling them to carry out ethnic cleansing
Utterly barbaric 🤢
Although, perhaps they want this too