Interested to hear your opinions (beyond "all unmeasured traits" & teacher like textbook answersπ§):
What does Phylogenetic diversity represents?
See new study
What does Phylogenetic diversity represents?
See new study
What can we learn from it?
Well, do we need to learn sth from it? Good question...
Still not convinced.
Evolutionary potential sound's appealing to me but is it? made a point of the inherent evolutionary info measured as time as such, as a value we should care.
In a world of limited resources I'm still interested to hear why should conserve it beyond of its value itself.
as no organism evolves in a vacuum, there are many other organisms uniquely associated with any phylogenetic clade.
Especially in case of enormous organisms such as trees π² Jump in here if needed :)
Nitrogen uptake...i think ppl work on it