Putting people on trains to be taken to be systematically eradicated vs being flown home on an airplane is not the same thing.
I have 100% empathy and anger they are being put on planes but don’t compare the two cause they are completely different. Please don’t minimize the holocaust.
And the fact you think I’m minimizing something that atrocious shows that you’re not really paying attention because it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Stop trying to act like we’re not in the beginning stages of destabilizing a democracy similar to the 1930s Germany
Well ur eyes are clearly shut and your brain is closed. I’m done feeding the troll. But your assertions are wrong about me and I won’t waste anymore of my time. Try not to spread false information thanks!
This does not show anything near what you are proposing. I don’t think you teach history. I don’t think you know what abstract is and I don’t think you read this.
I absolutely do teach history but I don’t need to prove that to an anonymous person on the internet. Let me know if you actually read anything I just provided for you. Or if you have anymore legit questions about history bc where ever you’re getting your info seems to be wrong. ✌️
Excuse me that’s not where I get my information. I teach history. My concentration area of study was history. I’d say approximately 75% of my personal library is history books.
Or heck check out the Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Holocaust Encyclopedia article “Deportations” details the systematic deportation of Jews to ghettos and killing centers during the Holocaust, offering a thorough overview of their role in the “Final Solution.” If it’s not too much trouble for you.
How about another
Look up Christopher R. Browning’s article, “Nazi Resettlement Policy and the Search for a Solution to the Jewish Question, 1939–1941” in German Studies Review, analyzes Nazi policies transitioning from deportation (e.g., Nisko and Madagascar Plans) to genocide during the Holocaust.
🇺🇸 was the #ArsenalOfDemocracy for England in WWII against #NaziGermany.
January 20, 2025: The US became the #AnusOfPathocracy with 🟠💀🟠 Musk-Trump's ascendancy to the #BroFuckerThrone with the goal of reversing the 1865 #AmericanCivilWar .
Really? The holocaust started as deportations. This symbolizes the similarities (not exact match) between the beginnings of the holocaust and what is going on now. It’s to education and prevent another atrocity like the holocaust.
I certainly don't agree with what this administration is doing on many many things.
However immigrants as of now are not facing anything close to what jews faced in Europe in WW2.
Hearing it first hand from my father made it clear.
These are dark days coming for America.
Would never have thought.
They aren’t facing discrimination? Or worse? Even legal immigrants are facing discrimination. There are attempts to rid this country of naturally born citizens now with Trump trying to repeal birth place citizenship. People r being encouraged to turn on their neighbor and friends. Beginning stages.
The worst part is that Trump wants to make being here illegally a crime punishable by life in prison. This will allow him to use illegal immigrants as slave labor for the privatized prison system.
He doesn't really want to get rid of them. He wants them to come and be exploited!
I have 100% empathy and anger they are being put on planes but don’t compare the two cause they are completely different. Please don’t minimize the holocaust.
It’s clear to me you don’t value Jewish life.
Please stop trivializing the holocaust
Look up Christopher R. Browning’s article, “Nazi Resettlement Policy and the Search for a Solution to the Jewish Question, 1939–1941” in German Studies Review, analyzes Nazi policies transitioning from deportation (e.g., Nisko and Madagascar Plans) to genocide during the Holocaust.
🇺🇸 was the #ArsenalOfDemocracy for England in WWII against #NaziGermany.
January 20, 2025: The US became the #AnusOfPathocracy with 🟠💀🟠 Musk-Trump's ascendancy to the #BroFuckerThrone with the goal of reversing the 1865 #AmericanCivilWar .
An Insult to holocaust victims.
However immigrants as of now are not facing anything close to what jews faced in Europe in WW2.
Hearing it first hand from my father made it clear.
These are dark days coming for America.
Would never have thought.
He doesn't really want to get rid of them. He wants them to come and be exploited!