We hate it too, these were supposed to be our golden years, not our brokest years in this house. The pandemic and price gouging destroyed our budget etc. I knew it wasn't Biden's fault. These companies robbed us and now it's going to be worse. Horrible existing like this, fear of the unknown.
Relatable. And also having to occasionally feel guilty afterwards when I& experience one of those sublime moments wherein we can forget about it momentarily through means like taking time to ourselves to enjoy some quality YouTube content such as yours. Thanks for doing your thing. Be gentle to you!
Do you not realize that is how most humans throughout history (even some now) existed? Each day was spent foraging/hunting/farming your needs for that day.
Now people cry if they can't afford all the streaming services they want.
Banks: sorry, you're too poor for us to lend you mortgage money.
Me: so instead of paying you 1300 per month to pay for my own house, I have to pay 1800 per month to a landlord...
Boss: can't afford a raise this year, just like the 3 previous years. Just be happy you're not part of the layoffs.
Very relatable. I'm disabled and haven't worked in two years b/c of my mental health & chronic pain. I have to depend on my spouse for everything. If he ever lost his job, I don't know what we would do.
I hate living in that world too, but honestly one of the worst parts for me is knowing that my kids lives are on the line more so than my own. It’s horrible
Throw in knowing there is no work environment that exists I can function in, so I have no means to earn a dime. So any cuts or eliminated aid will be considered an attempt on my life, and I will defend myself appropriately with force against such a society.
it's so fucked. if a full time job can't buy you a months worth of food, housing, and transportation with a bit left over for entertainment and gods forbid the occasional latte, WTF are we even doing here?
Can relate! Good thing that the VA has benefits that I receive (enough to cover my mortgage) but the cost of everything else to come is the scary part! I barely scratch by. The house insurance in FL is crazy.
I did deny myself relationships, independent home from family, vacations & lots of things to be okay financially.
It's pretty horrible. But hey hang in there!
I feel this. I had a cry about it yesterday. I’ve done everything I can to try to better my situation but I have failed. If it weren’t for my mom I’d be really scared. But today we’re going Christmas shopping for the kiddos in our family and I may buy myself a present too.
Yep. It sucks. I was also reflecting on my anxiety on how having a bunch of queer people in a room together can be a potential target for someone with ill intentions. (I thought about this at the candlelight vigil last night).
Also how I have anxiety about someone throwing a rock at me when I'm walking in parades for being visible. (I'm a Ghostbuster and we do parades, cons, and other charity events)
Now people cry if they can't afford all the streaming services they want.
Me: so instead of paying you 1300 per month to pay for my own house, I have to pay 1800 per month to a landlord...
Boss: can't afford a raise this year, just like the 3 previous years. Just be happy you're not part of the layoffs.
this one bedroom "okay" apartment costs me at least $300 a month more than the two bedroom two parking spot place I had to give up (divorce, etc)
Throw in knowing there is no work environment that exists I can function in, so I have no means to earn a dime. So any cuts or eliminated aid will be considered an attempt on my life, and I will defend myself appropriately with force against such a society.
It's pretty horrible. But hey hang in there!
Happy shopping!