My journey thru Babylon 5 has reached "Point of No Return" and the show has made the transition from being a campy sci-fi serial drama to a fairly stressful reminder of current headlines.
But, at least they copped to the fact that Ivanova and Talia had the only actual romantic chemistry on the show
But, at least they copped to the fact that Ivanova and Talia had the only actual romantic chemistry on the show
And while it gives me hope (in that they do fight the evil and make it through), it also reminds me of the cyclical nature of modern evil, which brings me down.
I knew about B5 but didn't have any channels that had it, wasn't until some new channels got added to the TV service finally started seeing it at late night. Got hooked.
What a ride.
Let's just say Babylon 5 got pitched to Paramount, and a lot of the original plot points showed up in DS9, which went into development after B5.