That's great :> I love riding on my horsey, hunting, getting upgrades, and doing things before the next story mission. I'm currently on chapter 3. I'm pretty sure chapter 2 is horse shoe overlook, so yeah, chapter 3.
I'm sorry but which studios are actually doing this? There are a ton of single player games out there on the market and most of them dont have studios "forcing" you into multiplayer.
I really dont get this trend of single-player gamers feeling the need to dunk on multiplayer games merely existing. Some of us prefer the competitive aspect of games
Multiplayer brings in more money sadly, more micro transactions, more advertising, easy repeatable content. It’s why so many games want to push it, many game companies want more monetary gains than actual genuine engagement and it’s why so many big companies are starting to topple.
Loved all the Marvel Alliance games, Xmen, etc. Here’s Rivals. Erm no thanks.
Loved Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim: Here’s Elder Scrolls Online. Erm no thanks.
Who would want to enjoy an immersive story and fun yet challenging gameplay when they could be called a F*gg0t Casual by a 12 yr old named xB1gD1kNRG69x instead?
Depends on the game. Of course I'll have more fun playing with people in an MMO, or against people in a fighting game online vs playing alone or against the AI.
A single player only game? I'm playing it to get away from other players.
Multiplayer can be fun, but it requires a circle of trusted acquaintances, and usually you manage to get them all online at the same time exactly once and then never again.
I can't stand pvp. Or group raiding. Or group battle missions. Ugh. "Play with your friends."
What friends? The people I message every once in a while because I care if they're alive? We don't play together.
The only games I like with people are multiplayer PvE, ganging up on the monsters. PvP just holds no appeal to me anymore since my Call of Duty: Modern Warfare days.
Battle-royales, MMOs and such build a lot of buzz, and if you're an extrovert, that's energizing. You're energized by the social aspect as much as, or more than, playing the game.
Intoverts..don't work this way. Interaction is fatiguing, and I don't want to be tired after playing a game and having to be "on" all the time. I have a job where that happens.
But extroverts run the upper echelons of industry, and don't understand why everyone isn't like them.
In case you're wondering, this is why extroverts went insane during lockdown, while for many introverts, lockdown was *great*.
People think introverts are antisocial: we're not, we're just not energized by socializing, and as such we like things where we socialize only when we need to.
I didnt actively play an online or multilayer game until I was in my 20s. That's when I started playing overwatch in 2017ish. I enjoyed that it had rich characters with fun quirkiness and interesting maps. Kind of eased me into online games I guess.
I'm still more a single player Gal though.
Have not played a multiplayer competitive game since the original Destiny and would never pick one up again. At 29, I want a game that relaxes my mind, not stress me out.
I love Roblox, but I hate the multiplayer aspect of it. Especially when you get destroyed by random people as you spawn in while waiting for your client to download its 1.25 GB of assets from a game you're wanting to play.
I hate games that try to force it for monetary reasons. Like rather than focus on making additional content for single player they'll spend another 5 years on a crappy multiplayer experience that hemmorages players.
There's a reason why I permanently retired from all online multiplayer. I only play single player or couch coop games. My life has been so much less stressful ever since.
Over a decade of online competetive play grooming has been a distaster for gaming
We should return to zero matchmaking and only 100% custom community server browser. No official servers either.
Every single time. It's like a universal constant. I don't think I've ever even heard of a competitive online game that wasn't a cesspool of jackasses.
Me too. I've occasionally dabbled in multiplayer but I fall off rather quickly. I'm so much more into story and characters in my games and enjoy relaxing playing by myself. I also like to take my time and take breaks when I want and multiplayer makes that hard to do.
This is why I mostly only play indie games now. Not just to support small developers, they're just way more fun and don't force multiplayer (or making a fkn account to play a single player game) on me.
To me I'll always prefer a good single-player experience that has a fun, but entirely optional, multiplayer. There are a small handful of exceptions, like Helldivers 2, but for the most part, I love a good single-player game
True. I prefer single player story based games. Right now, it's Jedi Survivor. The "how many & how fast" can you off fellow players is not enjoyable. Don't get me wrong, I still play w/the grandson, when we do we win. He LOVES telling them they got beat by his grandma. Lol
Same. It just stops being fun after a while. But I’ve also noticed there isn’t as many same console multiplayer games now. Like any interaction has to be online? If I’m going to game with someone else, I want it to be my husband and on the same console!
Agreed, the best part of RPGs is always the story, I mean what my brother and I used to do is one would play a level and then give the controller to the other and what not when we did want to play multiplayer so to speak.
RPGs are about stories not multiplayer online nonsense.
Also - the idea that everything has to be HARD. I will NEVER forgive the "Dinkum" creator for ruining such a relaxing game that made a perfectly fine single player game when I bought it, but is now just shit.
I’ve always had this attitude.
Online multiplayer has been disastrous for gamer culture overall. I yearn for the days of split screen with friends or a rainy day with a good, simple controller in my hands, a steaming cup of tea, and Mario triple-jumping over hedges to punch a Boo in the face.
Yassssss omfg yasss! I don’t want an MMO version of Star Trek or fallout or anything else. I want adequate content for me to enjoy. Not endless multiverse fan service with a threadbare plot line to paper it all over with lol
I’m 38. I’ve three and a half decades of gaming experience. And I can say beyond the shadow of a doubt I hate playing with other people. Give me a good single player story and lore.
I don’t even mind the multiplayer story mode, when with someone I know and like. But the run around the same board for 50 rounds FPS has only been entertaining for 20 minutes at a time for me. I like the story and the new boards, designs, and ideas I encounter.
I'm an old fart and been gaming for years. Apart from the very very occasional World of Tanks or War Thunder, I've almost never played online. I'm quite happy making my own mistakes all by myself. Like most introverts.
I like both but gravitate to single player. I can immerse myself in a game and not worry about what the group needs, wants or expects. While I like FPS, I hate how cutthroat most FPS communities are. And heaven forbid they find out I’m female!
I'm so glad I got the platinum for Watch Dogs 2 when I did. Online was already almost dead at that point. Don't wanna imagine trying now, if the servers are even still up.
I get the sentiment but like anything, business follows the trends that make money, the more money the better. A one time buy of a single player game doesn’t keep the lights on as long but an endless stream of battle passes, recolored skins, and PTW options will make almost any studio tempted by it.
The gaming industry was already making billions before the onset of downloadable content and live services. It was sustainable enough if guided by a reasonable hand, but greed became the principle guiding force.
I don’t want to join a guild, I should be able to get all the good loot without it. I don’t want to pvp or 5v5 or battle royale. I don’t want to siege another player’s village! Geez louise!
I hate multiplayer with a passion. It's not a fucking competition. And I don't wanna work hard to build up the skills to even have a chance at having fun. Fuck that bullshit.
im literally the opposite, i like multiplayer games cuz it mends my social part of my life, the idea of getting better at skills and mastering something/tech in multiplayer games very fun, also when teamwork works, its kinda an amazing thingggg
I gotta say, the most fun I've ever had is in multiplayer. The least fun I've had was also in multiplayer. I think people take gaming too seriously now. The gaming industry and YT/Twitch incentived people to do so (and also cheat). I only want to play with friends now. Which is hard as an adult.
Don't feel too bad about it. I can offer an alternative: try it with friends. I've been dabbling with co-op sessions with my pals and it's a blast when I need a lil break from single player. With voice chat, you can communicate well. Also... It's fun to blunder together and have fun 🤣
Loved Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim: Here’s Elder Scrolls Online. Erm no thanks.
Here’s COD, ARK, etc, etc, etc.
I immediately knew what she meant.
A single player only game? I'm playing it to get away from other players.
What friends? The people I message every once in a while because I care if they're alive? We don't play together.
Extroverts are energized by other people.
But extroverts run the upper echelons of industry, and don't understand why everyone isn't like them.
People think introverts are antisocial: we're not, we're just not energized by socializing, and as such we like things where we socialize only when we need to.
there is more room for monetization in multiplayer games
Let me explain, during the PUBG and Fortnite hype, alot of publishers were shoehorning in battle royale.
The only battle royale i honestly enjoyed was tetris 99.
I'm still more a single player Gal though.
That sounds unappealing from every angle!
Item Asylum says hello to me every day.
"Why would I want to ATTRACT flies?"
We should return to zero matchmaking and only 100% custom community server browser. No official servers either.
Small group player-hosted internet multiplayer? Alright.
MMO? Absolute hell. I'd rather play nothing.
Being matched with people solely based on comparative skill levels, in a sea of players you won't ever meet again, draws the worst out of players.
There's a place for mmo but by far not every single games need it.
RPGs are about stories not multiplayer online nonsense.
Also - the idea that everything has to be HARD. I will NEVER forgive the "Dinkum" creator for ruining such a relaxing game that made a perfectly fine single player game when I bought it, but is now just shit.
Online multiplayer has been disastrous for gamer culture overall. I yearn for the days of split screen with friends or a rainy day with a good, simple controller in my hands, a steaming cup of tea, and Mario triple-jumping over hedges to punch a Boo in the face.
no battle royale, no battle pass, none of that mainstream bs
my grandmother seeing me sitting quietly in a corner reading:
"Oh good, you're doing nothing, so come and help me...."
But no corporations advertised that message.