This is a can of worms. They have to consider many things here. Viability is after 20 weeks. No heroics before this timeframe is reached. Mothers' well being will be in jeopardy if they pass these bills.
Keep fighting for womens rights! And….Do Not Pass the proposed budget. It increases military spending and cuts healthcare, education, and all social services that we…the people…NEED! And…we all know the cuts are needed due to the deficits the trump Tax cuts created.
If life begins at conception, then so does child support. With DNA analysis, it would be easy to determine who the father is. Let’s not give them a free pass.
These hypocrites need to stay out of other people's personal business and health decisions.
Republicans want freedom but try to legislate their own personal religious beliefs on the rest of the women in the US. Shame on Reps.
Eric Burlison R-Missouri
Mike Bost, R-Murphysboro
Mary Miller, R-Oakland
match this up with the fact that they want no sex Ed at any age and they fight to keep the min age of marriage as low as 12 and you have a despicable plan
Life does not begin at conception. If a fertilized egg does not implant itself in the uterus, it is shed undetected during menstruation without any signs or symptoms. Stop this madness. Either learn the facts or leave these decisions to people who have.
True. And that's why it's clear that what this bill also targets is contraception such as the pill or IUDs, which are the most common forms of birth control.
Rep Jacobs, Please watch well-known national security expert and best-selling author Malcolm Nash concerning the obvious trouble our national security is in right now. Share this with everyone, Dems and Republicans alike.
I need to be an intern somewhere! Ugh!! I have so much to say on this especially to people that don’t believe in women’s rights to their own bodies! I’ll I am saying is my paper for political science theory better be great since this is my topic.
Republicans want freedom but try to legislate their own personal religious beliefs on the rest of the women in the US. Shame on Reps.
Eric Burlison R-Missouri
Mike Bost, R-Murphysboro
Mary Miller, R-Oakland