Blocking works well enough I guess.
Tbh I only block people if they either a) send an unsolicited nude b) be transphobic or c) solicit me
It's kinda fun to watch the kind of shit people will send especially when I never even respond
I can't stop laughing holy shit.
I'm a fuckin weirdo but I wouldnt open with something like that holy shit. It's so, gross, and weird, and strange, Its abysmal and i hate it.
People on Grindr are WILD
I've had a guy send me a message every few weeks since April. He's sent me his address several times, including the Google maps location, offered to pay me, sent several pics of himself, and asked if I'd fuck his girlfriend
I haven't responded to him a single time
My question is, why use grindr.
I would never use a dating site ever, I feel meeting someone for the sole purpose of dating is a bad idea.
And all the trans women who Ive met who've used tindr/grindr are dealing with absolute, creeps its awful.
Grindr lets me filter for t4t. That's really it. Her doesn't let me filter anything without paying. Taimi has a lot of paywalled features too. Also I've had better luck with actual matches on Grindr than I have with the others. IE I met my girlfriend who I live with on Grindr
ok, how so i dislike?
Tbh I only block people if they either a) send an unsolicited nude b) be transphobic or c) solicit me
It's kinda fun to watch the kind of shit people will send especially when I never even respond
I'm a fuckin weirdo but I wouldnt open with something like that holy shit. It's so, gross, and weird, and strange, Its abysmal and i hate it.
I've had a guy send me a message every few weeks since April. He's sent me his address several times, including the Google maps location, offered to pay me, sent several pics of himself, and asked if I'd fuck his girlfriend
I haven't responded to him a single time
I would never use a dating site ever, I feel meeting someone for the sole purpose of dating is a bad idea.
And all the trans women who Ive met who've used tindr/grindr are dealing with absolute, creeps its awful.
,... wow. wow. wh...