Hey kids! If you work hard enough you can end up with unaffordable student loan payments to go to a university run by cops who demand you catch their respiratory viruses, and where you’re not allowed to think of people of color as human beings…that’s THE Columbia University in the City of New York!
Reposted from
Wagatwe Wanjuki
"Columbia agreed to ban masks, empower 36 campus police officers with new powers to arrest students and appoint a senior vice provost with broad authority to oversee the department of Middle East, South Asian and African Studies as well as the Center for Palestine Studies."
Columbia did not read the assignment. They failed the challenge. It deserves to die at this point. And I have dear friends there. They’ve been betrayed. But their work is also verboten. Time to run.
Perhaps they should go back to the original name - King's College. They do like taking orders and bending the knee.
Fascism 101 painted in plein air