7) Populists know this about the news. 'They're eating the cats.' Boris Johnson rambling about making model buses during his leadership campaign. Or bad actors simply releasing nonsense into filter bubbles. This of course only serves to undermine the news. Why bother if you can't tell what's true.
I miss the resources available to local newspapers back then (I started before the World Wide Web), but there's a lot about those days I do not miss at all.
But i wonder if media companies are going to understand *why* it's gone.
My Gen Z kid automatically assumes anything *any* media company says is a lie, no matter what. The question is just, "in which manner is this a lie"
You can guess, she doesn't want to spend much time
I can't argue the old way was better overall, it took connections or money to get ink to paper in the paper age, same for tv and radio, you had an invite to be on, or you paid
Anyone can make a vid now, for good or ill
TV news has always carefully selected who is and is not allowed on the air.
What events rate coverage? Who is on in support? Who is on to oppose?
All those choices are editorial and made in service of the overarching message, Corporatism
Granted, most of my news watching was 25-50 years ago, but that does add some context to the frame of "always."
But also, when you see what the NYT did leading up to the US elections, or how it is becoming virtually impossible to find a single non-click-baity headline in the output of news media, maybe it is part of being smart of young people to avoid all of that crap.
I think there’s a difference when I was in college/started teaching/now
Gen-xer out
Seriously, great insight, much appreciated...