Classic narcissist plays:
Poor me, the actual victim
You are the emotional abuser because you reacted to my shit
The things I did and said were minimal
We do care, about America. We do have empathy, for the people you are causing harm to. What we do NOT have is anymore patience with the likes of the Putin puppets F-elon and his lapdog orange trumpie
It's not just Democrats who are appalled by the worlds richest man/boy taking food away from starving people, cancer care away from children and social security and medicare and medicaid away from people who have earned and deserve these benefits.
He is not a victim.
Rockets to nowhere. Used to be you could take a bus to nowhere for just a couple of dollars. I guess elon figured out an amazing grift for billions of dollars to nowhere. Sort of reminds me of the escalator to nowhere on the Simpsons.
It really comes as a shock to me the level of obtuseness this man has as he whines about people demonstrating against his shitty car while destroying people’s lives.
You know, the left is just like the right - we all want it our way and while one does it legally the other doesn't - is the consensus. In this case, pot, meet kettle. Keep pushing and find out Elon.
I would argue the left is not the same because we have a moral compass that is completely lacking with far right behaviour. Nazi's like musk only feel bad once they start getting punched in the face.
You honestly believe that every single American, who is on the right is a Nazi? Everyone is the same because we are all Americans first, not Democrats, not Republicans, not independents, Americans. Yes, many disagree strongly with the choice some Americans made, and our system works.
No way. Because that’s what he thought of the Dems, he trampled all over them. And then they said “ENOUGH”. And now Elon feels like a victim. Someone buy him a Happy Meal.
Musk gleefully boasts about the destruction of USAID, calls the working people of America "parasites," calls empathy the biggest problem in Western thinking, and wonders why people don't like him?
Elon: "The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy."
When he's inflicting the pain, he wants nothing of empathy. When he's in pain, he asks where's the empathy.
The reason he can’t understand is that the rest of us are real people and not NPC’s in a damn game Elon is playing that is wrecking people’s actual lives.
He thought the "Left" was weak and subdued & weak.
1. Dems aren't the only folks pissed off here. Independents & Republicans are too.
2. When you have brought anger & hate upon yourself because of your actions, that's called karma. Not victimization.
The gothy, vampy, just wants a little respect Elon. Waving around a chainsaw, desperately repeating his flat jokes so we’ll finally get it—and get him—trying to make ‘Dark MAGA’ a thing. (That little war cry he uttered was hella kewt, not gonna lie.)
It’s not new, people didn’t like you from childhood, remember you were homeschooled cause no one wanted to be your friend. Hell even daddy Musk said you are weird and unlikeable
“It's really come as a shock to me that there's this level of hatred and violence coming from the left,” Musk told Sean Hannity. “I always thought the left, the Democrats, were supposed to be the party of empathy, the party of caring.”
He just planned on coming in flashing his money and walking all over us.. seen us a soft easy to get past., we need to Ruffin up be nadty and do what they do.. chest.. do it when their not looking ., behind their backs!
Musk and Trump are malignant narcissists so they use these tactics to gaslight people. They have no integrity at all, so they despise when they’re called out for being frauds and scumbags. They’re tiny men and cowards.
The richest man in the world can’t deal with the fact that us plebs think he has far too much money, is harming others, and we therefore want nothing to do with the products he’s selling. Having a string of sycophants and over a dozen kids isn’t enough. Like seriously dude? Grow up.
He mistakes empathy as a weakness. He thinks liberals are weak due to empathy. He doesn't realize liberals are fighters, because they have empathy. Well, he is learning that having empathy doesn't make you weak.
I was literally going to say that! He thought this was going to be a cake walk and is shocked at all the people standing up to him cause he thought the democratic people were weak. I believe he is surprised cause he mistook two qualities he knows nothing about - empathy and kindness for weakness.
I wish I could locate the clip from Newsroom.
Leona (Fonda) says to Pruitt (Novak) in the back seat of the limousine at the cemetery where Charlie (Waterston) will be buried: “You have a PR problem because you actually have a PR problem.”
Democrats hate you because you have no empathy, no compassion, and no understanding of all the chaos you are sowing. Leave US science programs alone, leave Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid alone, Elon.
I have to feel sorry for a man who advocates eugenics, promotes dangerous conspiracy theories and does a nazi salute. He has to make this heartfelt interview on a news channel renowned for truth and balance. Where was his nazi mummy dearest? Has she forsaken him too 🥺
Musk ! You've got a lot of nerve.
I wish that for one time you could stand inside my shoes
And for that time I could be you
And just for that one time, you could stand inside shoes
You'd know what a drag it is to see you!
A psychopathe cannot understand the evil is doing. He thinks he is making good and fantastic things killing poor people, ruining careers, terminating social security for old people, firing workers illegally by thousands.
Elon broke into the people's house and started rifling through the fucking drawers and erasing black people from history and defunding everything, and he's puzzled that anyone could be annoyed.
There's your 4D business genius brain at work, people
Heads up everyone here... THIS is how you know what we're doing is working!! Dementia Don has had him on the Whitehouse lawn several times on this topic because Tesla is going down!!!
How does anyone so totally devoid of any human emotion even conceive that others might be human? Is der Fuhrer really so demented to believe that the left is so pacified? Hate & violence? Der Fuhrer has no idea of the degree he may have to endure. Run back to mommy and South Africa little boy!
A multi, multi BILLIONAIRE buys a president…and takes a hatchet to the part of government that benefits working people…firing 70,000+ federal workers…many who are veterans…and he doesn’t understand the anger people have for him? Not surprised…
A man who only understands how to assess the world from his own perspective where he is at the center. I can understand how some of his business success might lead him to believe that's a valid vantage, but it's never correct. Reality is that he likes to hurt people, and now those people are angry.
Elon is the aggressor. He is furiously & cruelly cutting fed jobs w/o even knowing their purpose.He is destroying Soc Sec, Medicare/caid,
VA. Every action Trump & Elon take makes life harder for the middle & lower class. Their purpose is to take from us to give themselves tax cuts and become richer.
😂😂 he’s surprised that constantly attacking someone, calling them names, dismantling everything they believe in and display Nazi signs caused anger? 🤔 is this guy that thick or, like many on the right, just has a victim complex?
What a doped-soul-sold-to-demons wicked-crooked moron he turned out to be…
he duped WH U.S. gov’t to get over $30 Bllns of gov’t subsidies when he started his major bznss to become a USA fresh Billionaire.
N now, how is he showg his gratitude to USA PPL ?!?!
Demolishing USA Democracy system!!!!!
What this tells me is this parasite has been living in the clouds way too long. What he saying is he thinks the "left" are like the democratic party and I will say to that..fuck the democratic party they failed seem to forget us low born are done with all that shit.
Just me, or is there anyone else totally on board for the Feds to fund Musk's Mars mission to the fullest so we can give him a one-way ticket to his paradise?
It’s beyond pathetic that Musk thinks these protests are about Teslas instead of about him and what he’s doing. This is ALL on him. If he wants it to stop he could try being less of a douchebag.
We are the party of empathy and caring. That’s why we’re fighting you. We care about the abused, the disenfranchised, the downtrodden and unfairly persecuted. We hate the bully, the braggart, the cruel, and the hateful who use their strength, power, and money to hurt others.
Like you, T, and MAGA.
Musk pretending to be shocked by "hatred and violence" while actively promoting and profiting from division, misinformation, and cruelty is the ultimate gaslighting. His faux innocence is nothing more than an attempt to distract from his own role in making the world a more hateful, unstable place
In my case it’s simple, Elon. You come for my kid you need to go through me first. And yes, I’m riled up. You poked the bear. Now I’m not out torching Tesla’s because I can’t do the time, but I get the outrage.
Oh how poetic!! FAFO ketamine King!!! You destroy people's lives. You destroy a country! You try and destroy democracy and now you want to cry when the people you try and destroy get angry???? Crawl back into the hole you came from moron!!!
Folks shouldn’t be burning the Teslas though - he’ll just be able to get insurance money for them. Better to just have them rust out on the lots unsold.
Yes Elon, we care about our democracy, employment, healthcare and our social safety nets that are paid for with our tax dollars. You are a threat to those things therefore you can go F yourself. The takeover will continue!
Poor me, the actual victim
You are the emotional abuser because you reacted to my shit
The things I did and said were minimal
I thought empathy was a weakness.
He is not a victim.
Elon musk is scum not a victim
Until the Swasticar
Becomes toxic
And Swaststocks
Drop like rocks
When he's inflicting the pain, he wants nothing of empathy. When he's in pain, he asks where's the empathy.
He thought the "Left" was weak and subdued & weak.
1. Dems aren't the only folks pissed off here. Independents & Republicans are too.
2. When you have brought anger & hate upon yourself because of your actions, that's called karma. Not victimization.
Musk is a cancer.
Hard Knock Life for Them....Dr. Evil and MiniMe
Less for the poor
Watch my billions
Soar and soar
He just doesn’t giveadamn 🙃
Leona (Fonda) says to Pruitt (Novak) in the back seat of the limousine at the cemetery where Charlie (Waterston) will be buried: “You have a PR problem because you actually have a PR problem.”
F around and find out, Elon.
I wish that for one time you could stand inside my shoes
And for that time I could be you
And just for that one time, you could stand inside shoes
You'd know what a drag it is to see you!
How the f* did he think they'd feel?
There's your 4D business genius brain at work, people
VA. Every action Trump & Elon take makes life harder for the middle & lower class. Their purpose is to take from us to give themselves tax cuts and become richer.
he duped WH U.S. gov’t to get over $30 Bllns of gov’t subsidies when he started his major bznss to become a USA fresh Billionaire.
N now, how is he showg his gratitude to USA PPL ?!?!
Demolishing USA Democracy system!!!!!
Like you, T, and MAGA.
It's not like leftists are blowing up Tesla showrooms or rioting in the streets. There are barely any demonstrations.
Didn't he just get through saying empathy is the disease that has brought down the West?