Dems are shocked to learn the company w/ the most total recalls since 2000 is not Tesla, but FORD! Ford has had 3,086 unique recalls since 2000 & Chevrolet 2,151. Combined, these 2 US companies' recalls negatively affected over 4,500,000 vehicles. Tesla Cybertruck Recall. MAGA
Unlike the Biden regime whose National Space Council was chaired by Space Cadet Czar Commiela Harris who, when they created FUBARs such as abandoning US citizens in space, Real Americans fix their mistakes and rescue Americans from harm. The Cybertruck Recall Makes America Great Again. Safety 1st!
Where does it say you can sell your truck back to the company just because of an easily repaired defect? It would be great for a lot of people, but I don't see that in the article.
If they paid cash for the Swastitruck they get their money back from insurance. However if it's financed the money goes to the bank and the owner is SOL! Also the decline in value has hit the Swastitruck hard and unless they have GAP insurance they may still end up owning money on it!
The crazy thing about all of this is that if Musk stayed out of politics and just focused on his projects, he would still be an asshole but have his businesses intact, probably be a national hero for bringing down the astronauts and this recall would be just a general recall, no fanfare and drama.
Panel bond is as strong as welded steel. Many vehicle manufacturers use it. But Muskrat uses a very cheap Chinese panel bond that even Chinese auto manufacturers don use
Seems like Musk and Tesla are recapitulating the entire arc of American auto manufacturing - from innovative global dominance to federally bailed-out rustbelt wreckage - in about a decade. Impressive.
This has got to be fake news. The man is a GENIUS I tell you!
Most entrepreneurs that built this piece of garbage like this would be bankrupt. That is the advantage of lots of money. You really don't have to be a genius.
Citing their danger a court could force Musk to recall all Tesla's & have them sold as scrap metal. The court could also freeze his assets and then give partial refunds to the morons who bought his life-threatening vehicles & give what's left over to charities like St. Jude's Children's Hospital.
One wonders why all cybertrucks haven’t been recalled given the recent determination that three people died in a cybertruck crash near Oakland, CA because there’s not a simple mechanical way to open the doors when there’s no power. They burned to death while their friends tried to save them.
Before 2024, I would have said that Musk was weird but mostly harmless. Since he has revealed his current form, he's a danger to us all. I cannot imagine how bad his final form would be, but it's not going to be good for anybody. He must be purged from our government and the damage restored.
It's got the Trump stamp of quality on it, just like his Trump Steaks which were simply rebranded standard restaurant-supply steaks... Which of course, financially folded.
Elon Musk is multitasking, and it shows. Simultaneously causing havoc with DOGE, raving about enormous savings of tax dollars that on closer inspection are no savings at all, while also driving Tesla stock value into the ground and now bungling Tesla Deplorean’s quality control.
"structural adhesive" failure (again)— You see, the main issue with Tesla is the inadequacy of their glue strength; and nothing at all to do with the barely there unhinged neo-Nazi CEO.
@MarkFortgang It's a Canadian (OLD) Staple TV Show! It might be streaming on a platform some where. Hilarious show!!! Found some on You Tube.
Cybertruck is “prone to embrittlement”.
No other truck has the equivalent.
Not a great idea to build a truck with glue.
As everyone knows, use a fucking screw.
Especially an all stainless steel exterior truck! This thing heats like an oven! No wonder their glue is failing! It becomes so hot it literally is breaking the glue down. Who the hell builds a vehicle that is almost completely glued together on the exterior?! #TeslaDeathtraps
I own a 2015 Tesla Model S and we’ve never had to replace any trim or have anything fall off. The only thing replaced for free was something to do with computer storage. I’m thinking Musk’s not caring about the car company and his urgency to get the cyber truck out to MAGAs caused these issues.
He saw a chance to grift the MAGAs with this POS. I like my car, hate Musk and I point and laugh at people driving the cyber truck. As for worrying about what people think of me driving my car, I don’t fucking care. Lifelong Democrat here. I bought my Tesla 10 years ago and didn’t even know Musk.
Yes they are! Tesla fatality rate is 17 times worse than the Ford Pinto. This Swastitruck is more dangerous than Pinto. Tesla's entire fleet also automatically disengages "self driving" less than 1 second before crashing so Tesla can blame the driver not their crap camera system! Tesla = deathtraps!
I would suggest they take advantage of lemon laws but I believe they all are forced to agree to binding arbitration in their sales contract. Sounds like class action waiting to happen.
Calling all Tesla owners. Enjoy up to $20,000 towards the lease of a new Polestar 3 when you combine the $5,000 Polestar Conquest Bonus and the $15,000 Polestar Clean Vehicle Incentive.
We are still not gonna buy them. We are still going to protest. We don't have to burn them up. They're the cheapest made car since the Yugo. Here we go again.We tried to tell they'll do.
They are the cheapest cars ever made.They're falling apart
Support Tesla and musk with your money as he works hard to eliminate your jobs and social safety net while still providing quality products like this glue machine
problems then that .
It’s not even a literal truck 🤣🤣😂
the shit can’t even tow without falling
apart .
Insurance company refunds and owner buys a new one.
You better have the owner read this:
Truly a morally bankrupt person.
Most entrepreneurs that built this piece of garbage like this would be bankrupt. That is the advantage of lots of money. You really don't have to be a genius.
Probably the same idiots who bought Hummers when those first came out.
As in...can't stay on, I guess.
It goes from 0-60 in 2.6 seconds!
Sure Donald, all that glue will hold it together....go faster!
I recommend focusing on Teslas that are in showrooms, car lots, being transported on trucks, are in a Tesla factory, etc.
You should vandalize unsold Teslas because that hurts Elon more directly.
Recommended Music:
Great Balls of Fire
Burn Baby Burn
Another One Bites The Dust
MAGA = Making Automobile Glue Adhesives?
No worries! It's just a Cybertruck-SpaceX hybrid! (pieces of the truck fly off into space, **hopefully** without exploding)
I bought my husband these suspenders and some of their t-shirts.
Cybertruck is “prone to embrittlement”.
No other truck has the equivalent.
Not a great idea to build a truck with glue.
As everyone knows, use a fucking screw.
Because that is what the vehicles do.
Just endorse Tesla?
Is blowing in the wind
as the fanboys are
repeatedly chagrinned.
CyberTruck X Flex Super Glue
OH, don't drive a tesla in the rain, it will wash away all the glue that is holding the vehicle together.
Why even try to drive a tesla that can't handle any kind of weather?
"Lemon tree, very pretty,
And the lemon flower is sweet.
But the fruit of the poor lemon
Isn't possible to eat."
They are the cheapest cars ever made.They're falling apart
Both I think
"All Cybertrucks Recalled" (46,000 is the total amount sold). Do better.