Ah I see
The constitution is only valid if it agrees with Trump
Judges are only valid if they agree with Trump
News is only valid if it agrees with Trump
Voters are only valid if they agree with Trump
Hitler became an absolute dictator in only 53 days. While 2.0 is taking a little longer, he’s not far behind. This should terrify everyone into action.
Candidates, voters, and democratic election committee's need to get ahead of the game for mid-terms and all important elections to prevent manipulation. https://Electiontruthalliance.org
A little more than a dozen years ago, a new movement erupted in American politics calling itself "the Tea Party."
In the midterm elections of 2010, that movement remade Congress and helped the Republican Party to a decade of dominance in electing the legislatures of roughly 30 states.
Or, you could've gone to https://heritage.org back in 📍2018📍during #Trump 's first administration and read they about how "it began" with Ronald Reagan and celebrated "64 percent of the the Mandate for Leadership policy prescriptions were included in Trump’s budget."..w/ #Project2025 Excel spreadsheet
trickle down ronnie implemented 2,000 of the suggestions from the heritage foundation. I think their fingers go back to bush. Neither of them were smart enough to do what they did.
Coors Foundation president Peter Coors is vice chairman of the board of trustees at the American Enterprise Institute - $175,000 from the Coors Foundation in 2019
Joseph Coors’s widow, Holly Coors, was a trustee of the Heritage Foundation and the Castle Rock Foundation until her death in 2009.
Coors no longer but ..The Coors family funds organizations which believe in Christian, segregated schools,” and it has supported groups that “have called for the abolition of American democracy and the establishment of a theocratic state.”
DOGE is not a real Agency or Department… it’s what the people who are implementing Project 2025 call themselves. They can’t call themselves the Project 2025 Team because the idea of that is so toxic to most Americans that they had to make up something catchy to call themselves instead.
Free speech is important but it should not be absolute. For instance, you should not be free to transmit things that you know to be untrue. And IMHO you should not be free to transmit encouragement to others to be violent and hateful.
Genetically, longevity is on his side. Parents to 93 father, 88 mother, 86 sister, 71 brother…one sister alive at 83.
Father pneumonia/dementia, mother of chronic health issues including very severe osteoporosis and insomniac wandering/possibly dementia, brother brain bleed after fall, sister cancer
One of their plans is to “dismantle” the Dept. of Homeland Security, but let us not be confused. This doesn’t mean ICE would go away, instead it would actually strengthen its policing efforts with less oversight. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c977njnvq2do.amp
I look forward to watching you, Trump, you sick fuck traitor, dumb ass, and enemy of the people, being in front of a firing squad for all the atrocities you've caused. You big piece of shit.
He prob told the truth re project 2025. It’s documented that 1) he doesn’t read things 2) he doesn’t comprehend much of anything he does read. He doesn’t “know” about project 2025 - he simply is doing what he is TOLD to do. Obvious as he signs EO’s he doesn’t know what the doc he is signing says.
crystal clear.
Democracy Forward knew this and began preparing legal cases against P2025 18 + months BEFORE donvict was re-elected. and they are winning.
wonder how the traitors responsible for all this chaos would like it if they were deported and placed in a 3rd world prison.
What I don’t get, how the fuck is Trump so easily bought by Musk? He could take Musk’s $$ & then & do nothing. He takes $$ all the time & does not honor the deal??? Anyone????
Trump & Musk are doing so much damage to this country, I keep thinking of this quote from Paradise Lost by John Milton. Lucifer, the tragic figure who famously declares: "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven"
Except that Hitler did not destroy the German state; he needed an intact state to carry out his plans in E. Europe during WWII, one of which was to destroy other states. BUT the mass murder of Slavic ppls and Jews rather than using them for slave labor caused a near-collapse of the German economy.
Only because I’m a Norm fanatic, the quote, as I remember it, goes: “You know, the more I learn about this Hitler fella, the less I care for him.” Also, a hat tip to Gilbert Gottfried, who said, “Donald Trump is like Adolf Hitler, only without the warmth.”
Ever notice that the people who know a lot about Hitler, say Trump is a lot like him, while people who know very little about Hitler say Trump is nothing like him?
To be fair, he's gone straight past the 'enabling act' to full-on 'Rule by decree'....where's the NRA defeating tyranny then? What happens when (perhaps) the Supreme Court rules 5-4 against him...?
If we are still standing in two years, vote out all his republican cronies from Congress Take back the Senate and the House. Impeach the orange menace AND convict him. Traitor as he is.
It’s coming my Nan who is psychic has foreseen his demise in the very near future . His health will collapse in 2025 he will barely make 2 years as president.
I don't care if he calls it Project 2025, or Project 47, or just his warped ideas, it is a plan to make OUR Government less responsive to the common citizens and more helpful and profitable for the superrich and connected that think he is their friend ...
but it's only for the short term!
Before too long, the superrich and connected will feel trump's boot at their back kicking them under the bus just like he does to everyone who is no longer useful to him or has already been totally used up!
That's why he never pays out when a contract has been completed by his employees!
Because they cheated to win…is so clear…too many very decent Republicans knew he was dirty. They took over the government…he tried on Jan 6. It’s the judges faults he is free… is heartbreaking that this has happened.
We would sure love to see you guys add us to your messaging.
There are a whole bunch of us who are neither democrats nor trumpers. As such, we need to be heard as the category we are: Undefined. Ignored. Voiceless, Partyless. Unheard. Wildly Unrepresented.
Them: “Yeah, well, that’s just your opinion.”
You can’t fix stupid, but you sure can waste a lot of time trying.
The constitution is only valid if it agrees with Trump
Judges are only valid if they agree with Trump
News is only valid if it agrees with Trump
Voters are only valid if they agree with Trump
#dictatorship #fascism
Trump supporters were asked to read #Project2025, to no avail.
Also Trump: I'm doing everything project 2025 wrote
I am surprised that Trump
did not ask for half ownership
in Musk’s Tesla company!
Please replace the Black Lives Matter plaza slogan with: Stability, Honesty and Sanity (in our president) Matter!!
In the midterm elections of 2010, that movement remade Congress and helped the Republican Party to a decade of dominance in electing the legislatures of roughly 30 states.
Joseph Coors’s widow, Holly Coors, was a trustee of the Heritage Foundation and the Castle Rock Foundation until her death in 2009.
The Heritage Foundation was founded on February 16, 1973, during the Nixon administration.
Coors ( the beer) was/is the Heritage Foundation's primary funding source.
"The Heritage foundation has been fighting side-by-side with this president and this administration since day one."
- Vice President Pence
. . . MORE . . .
CNN Video 9:11 min.
It "will lay the groundwork on exactly what our movement will do."
Video 1:33 min, see at 0.51 min.
Well, DUH!
Father pneumonia/dementia, mother of chronic health issues including very severe osteoporosis and insomniac wandering/possibly dementia, brother brain bleed after fall, sister cancer
DNC has no leadership
prefer public crucifixion on
The National Mall.
I know I would!
This was 45 yrs in the works.
• Key Appointments: Trump has appointed several architects of Project 2025 to key positions.
8400 Cathedral Forrest Dr
Fairfax Station VA 22039
Democracy Forward knew this and began preparing legal cases against P2025 18 + months BEFORE donvict was re-elected. and they are winning.
wonder how the traitors responsible for all this chaos would like it if they were deported and placed in a 3rd world prison.
They obviously want to wreck and ruin us.
So get Project 2025 in print and know the future you will face.
*ANTICIPATE, based on the pattern of observational analysis, corresponding repetition, typicality, & intuition of a subject; is more appropriate.
NONE of (Orange Shitler's) actions are "surprising", it's anticipated.
but it's only for the short term!
That's why he never pays out when a contract has been completed by his employees!
This didn't happen in vaccum, according to the
(alt) right.
⬇️ from 2018
We would sure love to see you guys add us to your messaging.
There are a whole bunch of us who are neither democrats nor trumpers. As such, we need to be heard as the category we are: Undefined. Ignored. Voiceless, Partyless. Unheard. Wildly Unrepresented.
1. The history of Organized Crime
2. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR)
Those 3 combined are your neo-Art of War, Trump style