This is stupid and extremely incorrect and will absolutely get people killed and if Democrats don't aggressively lay the blame for these deaths at Trump's feet I am going to run out of tables to flip and have to start building my own out of whatever I have lying around so I can flip those too
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
RFK Jr: "It used to be that everybody got measles. And the measles gave you lifetime protection against measles infection. The vaccine doesn't do that ... it used to be that very young kids were protected by breast milk. Women who get vaccinated do not provide that level of immunity."
I have seen many of his videos on Ukraine and they are just unbelievable lies and made up nonsense
Despicable man
We're talking about a media that cuts away from an important policy speech by presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to focus on an empty podium Trump was supposed to be standing behind.
There are hundreds of sick kids.
He, his boss and the cabal are murderers.
It's really that simple.
My mother was very pro vaccine after nearly watching a child die. Kinda effects you like that!
When did we stop caring about our neighbors?
I noted a serious uptick in selfish behaviour locally (South-Central Michigan) in the early 2010s, which went hard selfish in 2016.
They deserve everything their going to get when the shit finally hits the fan.
Lol if Maga isn't filled with some of the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet. And amazingly they wear that title proudly.
In the US they are going after professors and universities, but anti-education spreads
as your measles outbreak increases and continues to spew insane views
It’s almost like he never meant to honor them?
Oooh or like none of those asshats meant to honor anything they ever say.
So glad our Vichy Dems keep on with their manners while we all die of the next plague
Sarcasm in case I’m too subtle
Not say … I don’t know scientifically proven vaccines
Another disgusting idiot from the Trump hellscape
I caught mumps when I was 40. Not good.
Not vaccinating is a recipe for deaths.
But seriously…Robert F*ckface Kennedy Jr. might be the dumbest SOB I’ve heard in a long time. He’s up there with Eric Trump, Karoline Leavitt, and Alina Habba.
Parents not vaccinating their kids, it’s setting them up for other issues as adults. Say, if they want to work abroad, certain countries won’t allow this.
"It used to be that everybody got measles."
"It used to be that very young kids were protected by breast milk."
Desperate people lose the ability to think rationally; and the constant threat of death from diseases running amok is a potent threat indeed.
You're very much correct. How can you not use this outrage to burn their house of cards made with stupid lies to the ground?
More guns so you don't get shot by a gun!
More measles so you don't get measles!
That vaccine is an incredible benefit to health and life.
Gee, we would all be so much better off with smallpox, polio, the black death, the plague, yellow fever and SO much more......
His brain worms are smarter than he is.
That said, they also aren't getting screen time.
They won’t care about measles either.
If a family member dies, it was “God’s Will,” just like Covid.
Oh, what?
forget just flipping tables, get in the fucking streets and throw tables.
Cuz I am an empath!
This isn't an ex-husband story but it's a story about narcissists, & RFK idiot!
There is NO reasoning with them! 🤬
Zero zip nada
That's it!
(though soon to be dying as well, for feeding on such a toxic substance)
It used to be very rare in the U.S. but that'll change.
Covid --> every fucking thing
HPV --> Cervical and mouth cancers
Chickenpox -- > shingles
EBV --> MS
Measles --> SSPE
"Before the vaccine, an estimated 3 to 4 million people in the United States were infected with measles each year, leading to around 400-500 deaths and 48,000 hospitalizations annually."
As someone who got the measles 3 times as a child & again as a 22 yr old - what he said! 👆🏼
#MeaslesForSale #BuyOneGetOneFree
art by Pedro X. Molina
Disrupts Treatment Globally
The United States was the major funder of tuberculosis programs. Now hundreds of thousands of sick patients can’t find tests or drugs, and risk spreading the disease.
The Atlantic profiles a dad, who chose not to vax because "The vaccination has stuff we don't trust," who also lost his daughter to measles.
This is the real price for false and misleading anti-vax information.
It's not scientific.
His opinions are those of an ignorant man who thinks his "beliefs" should have the same weight as decades of peer-reviewed research.
His beliefs are killing people.
Respectfully of course.🤦🏼