Libs / NDP need counter arguments and fact checking from now on. Something like ‘no axing the tax, but axing the rebate’. ‘Not Building the homes, he’s preventing them’. Plus I believe we need more grocery competition.
Simpletons like simple messages. I'm still convinced that Ford won Ontario with his 'Buck a Beer' slogan.
We need to think simpler???
Facts don't seem to matter.
He won the last election because a bunch of deluded cynics thought that by staying home and not voting, they were sending some sort of message. If we do get an early election and he wins again, we are really screwed, because that means critical thinking has gone out the window.
Everyone is just beating up on the incumbents- people are ignorantly hungry for change and haven’t done research and believe Temu T4ump wouldn’t be “as bad” in Canada- at least that’s the vibe we’re getting here. Plus enough people hate Trudeau’s arrogance they are just voting against him period
I’m not so sure. We need to learn lessons on what to carefully focus on. The NDP almost lost the election to the conspiracy ridden, zero platform Conservatives. Disinformation is being fed and consumed daily. Ignorance is deep. Several B.C. voters thought they were getting rid of Trudeau.
It is all going to be clearer once Justin finally starts campaigning, that's when you will things change - if he truly wants to deal with Trump for 3 years, or if he decides to throw it to PP. Calling our election in 2021 was his brilliant move, knowing Trump was running again
Best you can hope for is mitigate the damage. Really wish Trudeau had kept his promise on electoral reform, then a Pierre win wouldn't be as terrible as it's going to be.
If recent elections have taught us anything, it is that a majority of voters are really stupid. Unless the LPC and NDP work out some deal to not vote split, we are doomed, because the CPC has most of the stupids locked down tight with vapid slogans and rage farming.
I hope the Liberals learn enough from the shit show Harris put on to not try the "fear of the other guy oughta be enough" strategy, cause otherwise we're going to get Conservatives.
That’s the thing… middle aged white guys think they have nothing to lose or be afraid of with the orange guy or the temu version up here. They just smirk at the idea of Fing things up. One of my neighbours: “time to bring out the pitch forks”
It is definitely happening here.
I have Maple MAGAts in my own family. My father was always decent and thoughtful. He'll be rolling over in his grave now.
We have to figure out a way to cut through the noise and hate.
They won't. We have the same type of bozo clowns up here. We do have a better education system but that doesn't make people more intelligent. They will vote against their best interests and wonder what happened.
If Canada left do the same mistakes of being intolerant missandrist, ignoring opinion of female majority and jerking each other off in closed echo chamber with blocklist wall.
Trudeau wanted ranked voting, which I think is the best, but the cons, NDP & Greens collaberated to stop it cause they don't want it. The only thing we can do is vote for whoever can beat the con in our own ridings regardless of party - execpt of course PPC.
We should also consider voting strategically in provincial and federal elections.
In Ontario I think that the NDP has the best chance to defeat the Cons, but federally, I’m Liberal all the way. Hopefully the cooperation between the province and the feds would be better than our current situation.
The NDP and Liberals need to get off their hands, and start finding ways to make people excited to vote for them. Canada wants a plan that makes the lives of regular people better. I'd love to go into a voting booth without feeling like i'm choosing between which poison to drink.
I am hopeful the several months of destruction which the new fascist regime will bring down on Americans will scare the pants off people who think « can’t happen here ». Because it can. And it will.
I have a feeling we're going to vote the same path. I would love to have another run with Trudeau as things are actually turning around after covid. But, people lust for the promise of cheap stuff, cheap groceries, cheap gas. Money talks. One can only hope we see what happens south and don't reflect
Even if you look at just Ontario. People have voted Cons only based on the promise of saving a few bucks. "Buck a beer", No license renewals, no plate stickers. You flaunt a few dollars at people they will almost certainly cave. The amount of lost Provincial revenue from plate stickers was billions
Yes, people are bought cheaply. For $200.00 rather than ongoing rebates from carbon pricing. Stupid.
More stupidly selfish that two left leaning parties won't co-operate and allow their self interests to install another con government. A no-win all round.
I, for one would be happy to keep the plate renewal, maybe reduce it to the original 74 dollars, would retain massive income for the province, that could be used for services such as education and healthcare.
Trudeau hasn't been great, but at this point he may be the least bad option given the remote chance progressives would coalesce around the NDP. Trudeau has had to deal with Trump 45, a trade war, COVID, Ukraine, Gaza, foreign interference and now Trump 47 - objectively he's done okay.
Canada is getting a front row seat to an absolute disaster and a turn into authoritarianism in the USA and it should scare the hell out of any Canadian, no matter what side your on. Be afraid, be very afraid it can happen here if Poilievre is elected.
Actually I think that it will help our cause here in Canada.
Most Canadian voters are not stupid. They will have a year to watch the carnage unfold there and have a better idea what MAPLE MAGA will do here.
Most Canadians do not support PP as a PM. The CPC know this.
Trump, however, wants him
Yes. That populist, fascist, influence is a worldwide thing as we all get more desperate due to climate change disasters creating more refugee migrants and resources become more scarce and expensive.
Canadians are exposed to sham news sources and are influenced by them.
I wish I could agree with you but living in Saskatchewan I’m surrounded by PP supporters. And their only reason they ever tell me is because Trudeau “ruined our country”. They can’t provide details though. Reminds me of the brainwashing of Trump followers.
I’m only thankful that our votes don’t go a long way to making the decision for Canada, so there’s hope Manitoba and eastward can make the right choices
Follow this one - another progressive voter in Saskatchewan. There are many of you. Use this platform to connect. Maybe start a “Sask progressive voter group”
I agree with you, living in pockets of the irrational PM hatred is difficult. Your vote still matters and keep an eye on your new Sask legislature. A lot more progressive voters there now in a long time. Watch the daily proceedings. There may be someone there you can reach out and support.
This is where I am as well- PP has started to slip a bit in the polls (still a massive lead), and I think Canadians desire for “change” is going to be severely muted as disaster unfolds down south.
If both Trump and Poilievre win I will have to sell my tv. I can’t look at or listen to those two for the next 4 or more years. I will just go on my merry way without tv news, get vaccinated and vote for US democrats and Canadian Liberals or NDP, whichever party has the best chance.
Hopefully enough of what is to come, is shown not to work before the election. I still don't have total faith though. Everyone wants to blame decent post covid economies on the current govt. when it's mostly price gouging. People need to get their heads out of their ass and learn what is true.
I live in a very conservative part of BC. Ignorance is what tipped the scales here. Many thought they were ousting Trudeau. The messaging needs to be clear. People need to be educated without being spoken down to. Worst case scenario, do some reverse 3-word slogan messaging.
They will realize too late AFTER the election that they should have worked together (with the Bloq too). They’re clearly not looking at the poll numbers with open eyes. Should come out and say “ok now we get it you want change”
He is repeating con points. He could focus on cons and his base would be fine; instead, he is divisive just like PP. In times like now, we need to make sure people know who the real enemy is. I do not think he is stupid, but he is not helping himself either.
Well, dealing with ALOT of folks at my bar, the majority of older white men are all in for Trump's regime type. They don't see the bad, they see a loud mouth ignorant asshole and they like his style. They never talk about the tariffs or the danger he poses to the world. Just his attitude they like
And the immigrant hate. Even by people who hold immigrant type names but they've been here a long time and they're white so..... This gramma is disgusted by a lot of the grampas I meet who think I'll agree with their disparaging remarks. Guess why I'm single! & My parents were immigrants.
That's literally every single person in Alberta. They love him, and Smith, and PP. They would sell their children to own the libs and make sure oil pollution and endless summers of fires remains the norm.
That is a result of the Christians Nationalist movement in the USA, Men tell the women who to vote for, America is about to FAFO, its going to be brutal.
I live in a small BC city - lots of red neck cons - resource workers and farmers who don’t understand that tariffs and climate change will destroy their livelihoods
Gosh -reading these comments, makes me realize we need a pep talk.
1. No election has been called yet.
2. The National Security Commission report comes out at the end of Dec. (BIG GAME CHANGER)
3. The only ones who are pushing for an early election is MAPLE MAGA
4. Polls cannot be trusted
Yes, but…
I think a lot of people are utterly shocked at what is going on in the States. And I firmly believe that Trump and his insane clown posse will be coming for Canada next, so it doesn’t hurt to get down to business now.
Not at all. Maple MAGAs I know are delighted. Musk has yet to oil up his propaganda machine. JT barely won a majority last time. Vote-splitting on the centre-left will drive this election and what propaganda will focus on: divide & conquer. Time for everyone to get involved, volunteer or we’re sunk
I like your outlook
Scared cause the conservatives sucked up a lot of seats in BC
Fucking Theo fluery asked for a recount and parroting his love trump.
we have the same people here too unfortunately - there should be a quiz/test we take before voting with basic (fact checked) questions - fail the test you lose your vote
Unfortunately, they'll see the freedom to be hate filled bigots and assholes as the net positive over any hardship from policy they suffer and vote CPC simply because they hate everyone with any divergent opinion.
I was just arguing with Con voters on FB yesterday. They have no clue how government works and who's responsible for what and they aren't interested in learning. I feel certain PP will win (he has billionaires helping....the corruption runs deep). They don't even care that he doesn't have clearance.
In 1979, his father, Pierre Trudeau was highly unpopular, lost to the conservatives, thank god it was a minority. 10 months later, 1980 election Pierre won with a majority government. History is repeating itself, Justin can't step down, he's what is best for Canada #Trudeau2025
Bottom line, I have successfully changed one persons mind, she still hasn't decided NDP or Liberal, but she will definitely not vote con any more. If that 20% (their numbers) all convinced just one person not to vote con - we win. We have 11 months. Don't give up, that's what the US did
I don’t agree that the Dems gave up, they messed up in several ways but never gave up. The campaign of lies and rage bait by the GOP is what sold people. PP is trying to do the same crap here.
I don't believe the party of Dems gave up, I think the voters gave up - approximately 5.3 million less votes than 2020, and I really think the solid dems in the swing states could have convinced fence sitters to give the party one more chance with Harris
There is no one on PMJT’s team who can quickly ramp up, get name recognition, and effectively campaign against PP and his international backers like PMJT can. Yes, PP might still win, but I think it is telling that 🇨🇦 is doing well and so many RW types want him gone BEFORE an election. Why?
They blame him for all the same issues as the Dems over the last 4-5 years. Covid, immigration, inflation, etc. Sadly the majority hates him & we’re f*cked because PP would win if there was an election tomorrow. I do feel Mark Carney has a chance to save the Libs but he needed to start yesterday.
Mark Carney doesn't have any political experience. We are being "told" the majority hates him, being here on Bluesky, I don't think that's so true. If they did, if they truly loved Cons... why did BC and Manitoba go NDP, Nova Scotia go Liberal? (provincially)
I hope I’m wrong and the Trudeau & the Liberals can hold onto power in the next election, but I do not have the confidence you do, sadly. Carney governed the Bank of Canada & England & has plenty of experience with the UN on climate. I think he is extremely capable. His wife is also exceptional.
I would prefer him to get his feet wet in Canadian politics before taking top job, see how he performs for a riding before putting faith in him. How would he hold up to protestors throwing rocks at him and his wife, for instance, death threats, half the country says f*ck carney flags?
Here is a not so fun fact - Elon Musk has a canadian citizenship.... this is foreshadowing, being on a high for buying the US election, he will come for Canada once the election is called, and he will be right beside Poilievre, I just know it in my bones
Pretty much every party in the G12 who was in power during or in the year or two after covid has been decimated in their country’s election. Also, most of the party leaders were blamed for high inflation when, in fact, it was a global problem due to various factors out of government control.
I recently found out that Canadians permanently living abroad can still vote by mail! So I'm registering online this weekend. My first vote ever was for Pierre Trudeau. I will be so proud to vote for his son! 🇨🇦 I'll be especially happy to cancel my idiot brother-in-law's vote. 😉
With the propaganda that makes this guy blame Trudeau for not having a dr and his dental co-pay set by his union brethren it’s going to be an uphill slog for sure!
Trudeau needs to capitalize on the fear of what could happen produced by the Trump win. Canada is at the top of the list where to live globally. It’s time for a contact stream of how GOOD Canada is and why. It’s a great juxtaposition to the negative left rhetoric.
I hope so but honestly o don’t think we’re gonna learn until we feel the effects of a Conservative government… we did this with Harper I see us doing the exact same thing with PP.
We need to think simpler???
Facts don't seem to matter.
The US taught me that you can never underestimate the apathy or prejudice of average people
The polls are already closing the gap
The only poll that counts is the one on election day
I have Maple MAGAts in my own family. My father was always decent and thoughtful. He'll be rolling over in his grave now.
We have to figure out a way to cut through the noise and hate.
You will prob get your own evil orange.
We need to vote like in some European countries where we vote for our 1st pick, then 2nd, then 3rd. That system works well.
In Ontario I think that the NDP has the best chance to defeat the Cons, but federally, I’m Liberal all the way. Hopefully the cooperation between the province and the feds would be better than our current situation.
orange clown will take credit for Bidens work
Elon will ruin democracy in Canada
More stupidly selfish that two left leaning parties won't co-operate and allow their self interests to install another con government. A no-win all round.
Most Canadian voters are not stupid. They will have a year to watch the carnage unfold there and have a better idea what MAPLE MAGA will do here.
Most Canadians do not support PP as a PM. The CPC know this.
Trump, however, wants him
Canadians are exposed to sham news sources and are influenced by them.
They need to save us from maple magas
I can't believe how many women voted for TFG in the US!
Men are coming around, way to slowly.
1. No election has been called yet.
2. The National Security Commission report comes out at the end of Dec. (BIG GAME CHANGER)
3. The only ones who are pushing for an early election is MAPLE MAGA
4. Polls cannot be trusted
I think a lot of people are utterly shocked at what is going on in the States. And I firmly believe that Trump and his insane clown posse will be coming for Canada next, so it doesn’t hurt to get down to business now.
Scared cause the conservatives sucked up a lot of seats in BC
Fucking Theo fluery asked for a recount and parroting his love trump.
Surely, govt groups are looking into whether Musk helped rig it somehow?
Is this really where our world is heading?
Propaganda and conspiracy crap.
Blame Trudeau for their dog getting sick ffs