There’s a landscape out there, a metaphoric landscape. We used to call it the federal government. It’s now strafed and bombed out, sirens going off that no one is attending to, people wandering around wounded and bewildered. 3/4 of everything broken and disordered.
Now you have to rally the troops and reclaim it for the People.
With no overriding Federal power, what we'll have are 50 separate countries. All the better for another war between the States.
Putin's plan to divide and conquer America is working beautifully.
Keep up the great work👍🏻
I still have a book I read in college written by Murray Edelman, "The Symbolic Uses of Politics." First published in 1964 and then republished. "Government" is a Rorschach test.
Why isn’t congress doing something?
Why aren’t the courts doing something?
Because all of this is happening in the EXECUTIVE BRANCH.
If you’ve voted republican since 1980, you bear some of this blame.
Don’t ask for forgiveness, prove you changed.
W leadership, we have a whole shitload of actions we should be taking.
The best person to lead it is Gov JB Pritzker. Talent, passion, power and money.
First step for him: hire anti Trump
Feels like we're back to taxation without representation.
Except maybe some of that air like we used to have, that you can't see through.
And maybe some Russian poll watchers for our next election.
I know there are still brave civil servants attempting to do their non-partisan jobs in the govt, and they freakin deserve a raise for holding the line...but if Musk fires them, that money goes to him. Which is what he's all about.
This IS the end of the USA. Whatever we become, it won't be THAT anymore, we are simply broken beyond repair.
No excuses when all this crap was unprecedented.
on our jobs impossible. This is done on purpose, and we are smart enough to see it. Saying they’re not efficient after decimating our workforce and under funding our work.
So far it hasn’t hit me in my well ordered retirement, but I’m pretty sure it’s coming for me 😳😳
sorry, just kidding. sort of.
Time for our enemies to attack
Waiting for the next election isn’t a plan; it won’t matter by then.