I’m curious why you’re not as livid with the republicans?! You’re embarrassed to be a democrat?! Republicans are literally murdering our country and you’re mad at Dems?! How many progressives couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Harris or Clinton?! It’s a YOU problem not a dem problem.
Hi. I'm a leftist and I voted for both Clinton and Harris because I had no other choice. I have a right to be outraged at both the people (Republicans) who are killing this country and the people (Democrats) who are sitting in silence while it happens.
I get what you are saying, and I actually think her continuing to clap in the face of his insult was a good move on her part. I do wish that all dems would coordinate and protest in the chamber and one by one get kicked out.
I took it as her refusing to stop clapping for Ukraine, which is what he'd called her out for. But overall, I was disappointed in the relatively weak Dem response. Why not force the marshals to escort them all out for being disruptive?