You should say:
"My regime will always honor the treaties we've signed - as long as they remain in our favor and we get what we want out of them.
Once that no longer holds true, we'll create any excuse that shows another party has violated them first, rendering them invalid."
In March 1918, Russia promised to retreat from Finland but kept on here fighting against the democratic government of Finland, whose independence Russia had recognized in January. Russia even brought new troops in.
In 1939, you allied with the Nazis, shot yourself, accused Finland, and attacked us.
"My regime will always honor the treaties we've signed - as long as they remain in our favor and we get what we want out of them.
Once that no longer holds true, we'll create any excuse that shows another party has violated them first, rendering them invalid."
In 1939, you allied with the Nazis, shot yourself, accused Finland, and attacked us.