Dear Leader, how would you rate Darth Donald´s apprentice, JD, with regards to true sith potential? (He does seem willing to throw anyone under the bus without breaking a sweat. Makes me think he´d be good around windows too🪟📉. True sith talent there🤔?)
Don't forget Ukranians invaded the land that was planned to be Russia 1500 jears ago, they should have left as soon as Russia wanted. Just like the Natives in the US made room for the new inhabitants.
We only oppose western genocide against indigenous peoples. If Russia does it we appease it with euphemisms like "legitimate security interests" or "necessary steps to defeat fascism".
If trump succeeds with stopping the Russian-Ukraine war …. THEN SANCTIONS SHOULD REMAIN INDEFINITELY … until Russia leaves Ukrainian territory … otherwise Russia will do it again
"Maxar, provider of orbital imagery, said U.S. gov't is suspending services to Ukraine. Soldiers on the ground are feeling the effects already." – Washington Post
This is beyond vindictive; it’s evil. Trump is now directly complicit in the deaths of Ukrainians fighting for their survival.
Deport pro russian fascists to russia. Then reduce russia into a city state, like really small. Then name that city Trumpville, Trumpigrad or Muskow or Muscograd. Can we?
Oh great master strategist! May i most humbly ask: is it better find good civilian targets now, when USA has stopped sharing intelligence information with Ukraine?
This is beyond vindictive; it’s evil. Trump is now directly complicit in the deaths of Ukrainians fighting for their survival.