IMHO the term sees the most use as a eurofascist dogwhistle at this point -- part of their whole "us white people invented culture in Greece and Rome, then everything sucked for a while, then we invented art & science again in the 1600s" mangling of history. I'd really try to avoid it!
IMHO the term sees the most use as a eurofascist dogwhistle at this point -- part of their whole "us white people invented culture in Greece and Rome, then everything sucked for a while, then we invented art & science again in the 1600s" mangling of history. I'd really try to avoid it!
(this is not an endorsement of this theory)
For #PhilSky, def check out St. Augustine and the Neoplatonists if you're interested in the precursor to their better-known descendants, e.g. ibn Sina and St. Anslem :)