I’m still alive because I had no food in my mouth when I read that they boil raw milk but reject pasteurized because they think that word means chemicals are added to it. I didn’t choke and die. If I cared I’d troll them with the idea that it’s the same chemicals the government uses in chemtrails.
Raw milk gives me the ick. I barely like the idea of "regular" milk. If I could get a synthetic that mimicked the texture/flavour but was actually oat milk and not toxic to me, I'd be happy
In my country (fi) selling unpasteaurized milk in shops is illegal. I _feel_ drinking or even promoting a product with a higher infection risk would be strange and unusual.
Raw milk in 2024 is like a modern Darwin test, if you believe nutjobs like RFK, drink it and die from Salmonella chances are you were gonna end up going out from sticking a fork in a plug socket or trying to give yourself a haircut with a blender one day anyways
The fact that has been such an ongoing saga will never stop being funny to me. The idea that some French dude from ages ago has been laying some evil plan and you're just another cog in this machine is so out there
Wow, 23 responses; zero insults; zero questions about the number of doses you have had; zero mentions to drinking bleach or treating cancer with dewormers…tell me I am not in heaven…
An egirl tells me to do it, so I do it
I still wouldn’t drink it though
Their accounts may end up the same way as the mice 😏
It makes it so easy to not get horribly sick yet here we are
(Don't do any of this please)
This is the true test of the app right here
Genuinely interested in how this will go
Since we all know how it went over there
Not particularly well
I missed the raw milk debate.
But you're right, raw milk is a strictly low-IQ endeavor