What he received instead was a provocative bit of bullying and an embarrassing temper tantrum thrown by a petulant little man and a fake Christian. The temper tantrum and embarrassing and humiliation of him was a horrible thing to see. It was difficult for me to watch and hear. 5/x
You should be paying attention to this. I know some if it is coming from Pacs but it is kind of ridiculous
Well, they HAVE led, time and time again, & had it thrown in their face by a hostile press and half of America
Maybe this will teach Americans they were needed all aling
This ain’t over. Trump is a person. He’s not the country (as it sounds like he believes when he talks).
I swore an oath to defend the US Constitution - the COUNTRY, not some scumbag in a red hat.
I may be 67, but I never un-swore that oath.
The shit WILL go down, and we WILL win.
What is happening to you is a lesson I hope all in Canada learn as we have an election coming up.
Take care. Stay strong.
Be assured that this would be dictator FELON will not succeed in crushing democracy in America
You know why?
Because of people like you 💙
As a fellow-veteran from a military family, I agree 100% with everything you’ve said—and bless you for saying it. Our leaders will not save us—we’ll need to rise up, protest, boycott, and stop supporting the oligarchs with our dollars. Resistance matters—we must #TakeOurCountryBack🔥
He is gone now, and I am grateful he never lived to see this monstrosity the US has turned into.
I have never been more ashamed than now.
I look at our flag and…cringe…
My heart is shattered.
Thank you, and your family for its service to a once great nation.
I will not donate either.
Our politicians are failing us.
We will not become the bad guys.
Now let’s hit the streets.
Hopefully somebody with nothing to lose will do something about it soon.
I don't know if it will help, but the Bible says Love wins this fight. Right makes might. God's plan is trustworthy.
That might not help, but I know it's true.
Before too long, we will be at the Marriage Banquet with those who came before.
Peace and God bless you.
It was good to know we weren't alone. It felt good to be part of that family of strength!
When 🇲🇽&🇨🇦 came & helped save lives in Cali!
Trump has alienated us! 🤬😔
Thank you for your service and for sharing this.
(Please don’t give up. I don’t know what we’ll do, but we’ll need everyone we can get for it if only for moral support. I don’t think we’ll find the answers behind us they’re destroying all of that. Now, we think outside the box.)
It is for ALL of us collectively to get out there
To #resist in what ever way possible
If we all do that no matter how small - we will win this
Remember they only have clocks. We have time
what they sow…it’s coming…love will win
It is very painful to see the country that you, I and our families loved and fought for, to be on the brink of no longer existing