Looks like ships Belos (SE) and Turva (FI) are investigating not only broken comms cable C-Lion 1 but also Nordstream at the moment.
During the day they have been stationary over both the pipelines and the cable. Those are right next to each other. Curly line = cable.
Replay: https://marinetraffic.com
During the day they have been stationary over both the pipelines and the cable. Those are right next to each other. Curly line = cable.
Replay: https://marinetraffic.com
anchor down, by accident?
dragging it for miles across the seabad, and didnt notice it?
unusual route?
It´s amazing how little information escapes the authorities so we´ve a lot of speculation to do.
Also recording anchor trails in the seabed?
It has a ROV does it?
But it is only speculations, speculations ...
And it was 130-180km behind Russian (also chinese) cargoship NEW NEW Polar Bear