“President Musk” wants to hear from you. Send a postcard, tell him what ya think. Stick a live stamp on it, 📬 to:
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20500
#TauntTheTroll 🍊🧌🤣
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20500
#TauntTheTroll 🍊🧌🤣
Reposted from
Dotar Sojat
In his first administration Trump was livid when postcards started arriving at the White House addressed to "President Bannon". It would be terrible if people did the same addressed to "President Musk".
I’ll bet even Mel cracks a smile.
https://a.co/d/5wAFo70 (And Tango Makes Three via Amazon)