I’ve never seen the phantom of the opera or consumed any part of it other than the vast amounts of fan art people make of it
But then when the same fan artist talk about it they all seem to be like “actually it’s pretty awful”
?????? So? Should I or should I not watch it??
But then when the same fan artist talk about it they all seem to be like “actually it’s pretty awful”
?????? So? Should I or should I not watch it??
if you have a low tolerance for romanticizing villains, particularly creepy male behavior, skip it
the movie is aesthetically nice but has a lot of weaknesses, especially singing - go for the 25th anniversary live proshot
the 1925 silent movie Phantom is kinda neat
Is cheesy, has a romantic vision of the villain, has creepy male behaviour, and the male phantom cannot sing, but has beautiful aesthetic.
In my opinion, is so bad that is good, and if you want quality, is a good idea to watch the musicals.
The POV is very romantic with things that nowadays we don't find acceptable but it still resonates with some people, and that alone is pretty interesting. (it's from the 1900's)
Honestly, I'd compare it with reading a generic shoujo manga, but with catchy tunes. 🎶
Then The Phantom
The good one is available on the Internet Archive
Note: none of the personal relationships in Phantom are NOT toxic.
Ask yourself instead, “Do I like watching attractive people make bad decisions while having strong, irrational feelings conveyed through song?”
The most sincere kind of jank. Definitely worth a watch
It’s like. How do I know so much about the kardashians despite never engaging with their content at all?