SEGA Dreamcast games just had a look/feeling to them that nothing else has had since. It was just a vibe that's hard to explain and I just miss it so much.
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(it's modded but still)
The first two games I bought were NBA2K and Ready to Rumble. I had a slew of friends over at my apartment and all of our mouths collectively dropped to the floor once I pressed power.
It’s a shame that it was deemed a failure.
I miss the days when consoles had their own look, sound, etc.
People just love the DC.
It's wonderful that it has dedicated hardcore fans .
Based on my experience with the remaster of the first Mass Effect (which has a similarly clean visual style), I think Dreamcast games would look amazing if they were remastered in 4K.
The last great vibe.
Deu até uma nostalgia foda agoraa!
Unfortunately, three dreamcasts in a row arrived broken. I instead went with a Wii that I modded