That was put down as the Worst Cover in Nintendo Power's 300th (?) issue that covered Link's Awakening and had a small retrospective section. I don't remember what was the best cover.
More so, the crazy Zelda II vibes they essentially copy pasted onto that game, only to reverse course completely again for III. Love to read the history of all that.
Still a standout cover to me. I had friends with subscriptions and this cover always drew me in. I cant say how many times i read this thing as a youngin
It was one that actually NEEDED a guide because it had parts that you'd never figure out otherwise, like how to summon the tornado or drop below the water.
But what a glorious cover to have for a magazine issue!
I must hunt this down.
This one, got their interest.
And probably got some conservative parents flipping out xD
So much history.
Don't get me wrong, I played the ever loving crap out of it, But I don't remember it being that deep.