So it begins….
Personal best, 22nd December.
Personal worst, 2nd December.
Whamhalla awaits, so everything is muted until checked and I’m plugging my head shut in all public spaces (tbh I do that anyway).
Personal best, 22nd December.
Personal worst, 2nd December.
Whamhalla awaits, so everything is muted until checked and I’m plugging my head shut in all public spaces (tbh I do that anyway).
(But the very next day...?)
But apart from that, bring it on!
I was out before I knew I was in.
Surely, you should have started that post "🎵 So this is Christmas 🎵" 😆
If I can keep the Mrs. off Heart Xmas, should be good for a wee while yet!
[For info... I don't go out shopping; everything from books to groceries is delivered. I don't listen to the radio. I watch streaming services except for live sport and news. I hate Christmas so avoid any films/programmes about Christmas]
Personal best: 24th December about 7pm. I was ****ING raging 😭
I personally think it’s a terrible game, I love wham and I don’t care who knows it
Worst is 2nd, maybe even 1st December.
I get that it isn’t chosen for this game because it’s bad, but rather because it’s so popular. But I couldn’t do it.
Which is lucky because magic play it once an hour 😂
Good luck!
This is a challenge I would accept! 😂