The emergency services, teachers and railway workers are my priority. Not a handful of multi millionaire landowner farmers threatening our food supply because they don’t want to pay a bit more tax, which is still less tax than most of us. Not making any money? Shouldn’t have voted leave then.
And while I'm at it, fuck the police who let them get away with all this tax-wank when climate change protestors get jailed for sitting inconveniently down.
They only pay it on farms worth > £3m
And even then only on the value OVER £3m
Whining rich boys
And none of them get nicked for blocking roads do they?
Or for blocking ambulances
The fact is, most of them are not good businessmen which could explain
a) why they voted brexit
b) why they're losing money.
Doctors & nurses provide health; teachers provide education etc etc.
And they pay 40% inheritance tax!
That tax loophole for rich landowners - most not actual farmers - needs closing though.
I can’t deal with that level of stupid.
Their inheritors will pay less inheritance tax from their dead parents, compared to ppl who inherit from their non farming parents!!
also they can set up a trust to avoid it
also it’s half what others pay also they have 10 years to pay it also it only affects 500 farms.
The government don't fix these roads.
I rather give it to rescue boats at Dover.
As for those "unemployed" healthcare & other professionals joining JSO protests, well, they should know a roadblock of tractors won't stop ambulances
Then again, there was a farmer on TV this morning saying that farming should be British, just like water & electricity! Err...