Uh… when a number of people decide not to vote for a candidate because she’s a woman and not white, that is the very definition of identity politics.
Reposted from
The Atlantic
Most Americans agree racism and sexism are problems. Yet identity politics were not salient enough to swing the election, writes Conor Friedersdorf. “If Democrats renounce identitarian stereotyping and discrimination,” their coalition and America will benefit:
Now is the time people need to be acting like liberals, in the true sense of the word, and considering the views of the electorate. Afterall it is they, that decide elections.
The 15% swing that Trump saw in Latino communities was mostly in southern states (exceptions MI, OH, PA) - the main polled reason was "immigration" NOT "I don't want a black female president." There of course were a minority that held that view.
Trump stuck to core politics like immigration (regardless of how fanciful his aims are or how sincere he is)
It failed.
The Atlantic is mosty correct. The proof is in the pudding.
Democrats need to listen more to what the electorate actually want.
Or something.
Anyway, it's all our faults for thinking crazy things like "what are their policies" and not "that's not a white man!!!111"