Meet the “sickfluencers”: disabled people turn to TikTok for help accessing disability benefits - and the media says they’re scroungers gaming the system.
My col. on Fraser Nelson’s stitch up job, and the paranoia those with the least might get an advantage.
My col. on Fraser Nelson’s stitch up job, and the paranoia those with the least might get an advantage.
The worst part however is finding out Fraser Nelson is on Dispatches 🤮
I live with constant pain and so many meds that my stepdaughter, who's a geriatrician, asked me how I was actually conscious.
I would so love to be well & working again.
It's not the first time though. Young women are basically seen as faking illness (FII) for attention. Usually when they have conditions like EDS & ME which are poorly treated by medicine.
Try for example
Divide and rule keeps working and Ch4 have just exacerbated that.
Who remembers Ch4 as radical, explorative and interesting?!
Heaven forbid sick and disabled people on waiting lists support each other.