If I hear that idea from doctors one more time, I'ma lose my mind. I know several people who've been told that or had it insinuated about their chronic pain situations. These quacks need to get with the program.
Reading this reminds me of my post-mono hell in 10th grade
Missed 40+ schooldays from late Sept to Xmas (not counting half-days), district declined at-home education, mom finally had to homeschool me for the rest of the year, our relationship is still fucked up from that 15+ years later
It took ~2 years to get to ~90-95% of my prior "normal", which deteriorated further after pneumonia in college, & again after what was likely minimally-symptomatic COVID
I meet mild ME/CFS criterion on my best days, periods kick me to moderate for ~2+ weeks, and my doc suspects fibromyalgia too
My kid couldn't taste food right for over a year but she was so little she couldn't explain what she was tasting, I can't imagine what preverbal or early verbal youngsters are experiencing right now.
Even psychosomatic illnesses can harm the body and the mind. I know this experientially…and I also know that long covid is real because half my friends have it
My kid lost at least a full year just from the incompetence of virtual schools not knowing how to get her access to her classes and IT was no help. With that said, I fully believe long COVID could be impacting her and am thinking about bringing it up with her doctor. We just got a 504.
Well yeah it’s our brains and immune systems being inflamed, thanks for nothing once again from the Borreliosis patient community trying to get evidence in for 20+ years now. Can’t wait to hear the “lack of post-viral illness data” excuse again while we sit here with our *bacterial* illness damage!
If they would actually look at what’s in our heads they would find evidence there they do not want to acknowledge, that’s why they don’t look or deliberately choose the wrong tools. Something easy to cash from the insurance. Sometimes someone gets an extra wrong MS diagnosis scare on top.
Missed 40+ schooldays from late Sept to Xmas (not counting half-days), district declined at-home education, mom finally had to homeschool me for the rest of the year, our relationship is still fucked up from that 15+ years later
I meet mild ME/CFS criterion on my best days, periods kick me to moderate for ~2+ weeks, and my doc suspects fibromyalgia too