Unfortunately, this is the perpetual cycle of humanity: we solve a problem, then get complacent or even resentful about it because it’s not affecting us anymore so the problem returns, so we solve it again. Repeat.
With everything happening that suggests a wave of mass ignorance has swept over the land, it's nice to see some evidence that people are learning and growing!
I’ve seen a lot of hate towards these parents- this is not going to be the way to pull them in, being angry and spiteful. Resist this urge please - we are in this for the long game! Remember 1/3 of our country didn’t even vote!!!!!!!!
Seems kind of shitty that parents who were vaccinated and so safe would not chose to vaccinate their kids. That is not love. That is stupidity and selfishness and willful ignorance, but the one thing this not, is love.
Better late than never, but… It’s so infuriating that these malicious anti-vaxxers and their misinformation have led to deaths. I wonder if the parents will come out and sue people like RFK Jr. since money seems to be all that speaks to these grifters.
Idk if parents who chose to abuse and neglect their children for the last twenty years have a case against a new Health…guy. They were fucking stupid before he was appointed. I do think if they don’t vax and their child dies they ought to be charged with manslaughter. That would clear things up fast